Thursday, March 30, 2006

You know what that means, don't you?

I was feeling absolutely fantastically happy today.

Maybe it was because I had a double dose of hot chocolate and chocolate brownies in the morning with Mirabel.
Maybe it was because I had picked up a new copy of Honi Soit.
Maybe it was because my classes ended at 12.
Maybe it was because I had time to go shopping at Myer's and try on this pretty PRETTY dress.
Maybe it was because when I got off the bus, the sun was shining and there was a cool breeze.
Maybe it was because I had a retard half-smile plastered on my face while I walked strolled leisurely home.
Maybe it was because I had California by Rogue Wave playing on my mp3.
Maybe it was because for lunch I had macaroni and cheese with bacon.
Maybe it was because my Mummy called and I've got the recipe for chicken stew.
Maybe it was because I went for a late-evening jog.

Or maybe...just maybe...

It was because, for the first time, I didn't think about You when the mp3 switched to A Lack Of Colour.

Teehee...and there were only chirpy sing-alongs
resounding through the empty house.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Know this:

Your reputation is tainted and lies in shreds as of now.
And suddenly, i feel like i've lost all hope that i had in you.
I don't know if i should feel sorry...because i wouldn't want to wish it upon anyone
Least of all, you.

But the stark reality is this...

It's gone.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Australians all let us rejoice...

So ends the Melbourne XVIII Commonwealth Games 0f 2006.

And with it goes 11 days of biased games reports and coverage, over-excessive airtime of the Australian anthem, constant playbacks of Australians winning their gold medals and the rape, murder and butchering of the song Fix You by Coldplay.

Strangely..throughout the 11 days, all I've seen is swimming, swimming, and more swimming...and, oh yea, a smattering of other games in which the Aussies were winning in when the swimming ended.

What happened to good old badminton? or rythmic gymnastics? Actually, what happened to the other nations who won? How come all I heard was Australia Fair??

Damn you, Channel 9.

Asides from that, the games were great, too bad Nicol didn't win, and kudos to the Malaysian badminton team, the rythmic gymnasts (although you guys didn't win gold but you still got a medal in every event), the handicapped athletes who made me think twice about procrastinating my long intended jog, and of course, The Australians Contingent.

You guys kicked ass, dincha?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Week 4.

"Oh hello! We meet again."
"Oh, yes, I'm fine...yea, not too bad can say i'm surviving-la."
"How's the weather there though?"

To which I'll answer, the weather bloody well SUCKS here. It rained a grand total of 270586 times today, with each session lasting between 5-20 seconds. Damned PMS weather. Summer's officially slipping out of the doorway now...and Autumn's beckoning. Time to bring out the woolies and jackets...sigh...I can't help being a sun's depressing.

ANYWAY...what I truly find fascinating is how fast the week passed...yet another weekend is here. I should be afraid means that exams are that much closer. Do you realise that we're living in a vicious cycle?



Met up with Angie for lunch at Pancakes...she's here on holidays..and at first i was a little apprehensive because she's so much older than me and we've never really been placed into a situation where it's just the two of us...always there was someone else in the picture...i didn't know what to expect.

But then the lunch turned out splendid and i think we had loadsa fun..which surprised me as well. we were compatible!! hahaha..that sounds stupid. anyways, if you read this, i'm glad we went out together and i'm hoping to go out some other time again! maybe to Lindt Cafe..mmm..

And then, May graduated. Yep, so now, i'm the officially the only one in the family left to slog it off at uni...and Tammy doesn't count cos she's only got one subject.

It was..nice..soaking up the whole graduation-atmosphere. i can imagine myself like that in a year's time...yes...very nice. See how happy everyone is? the mere thought of no-more-uni fills us with the most absurd of joys.

And then there's the view from Emy's apartment. I swear, I'm gonna live there next year.

At super-duper yummy Musashi with Waiking and his friend, Haru. Teehee..WAIKING I STOLE YOUR PHOTO...!! That's cos my cam was indisposed..

And of course..later last night was the MSO/SUAMS party...met Shuen (above) in a completely movie-scripted scene.

Me and Waiking were both getting our shots (for old times' sakes) when he suddenly stepped back a little...

Head slowly turns to the right to see if the pool table was still occupied.
Catches a familiar face from the corner of my eye.
Familiar face notices something amiss too.

And before you know it, you have two ladies screaming. Well, forgive me but I would like to indulge in girly emotional scenes once in a while, thank you.

Anyways, it was really great fun seeing you again, Shuen! and we must go out again once more, just to catch up...preferably at a less noisy place..hahaha..

I move on to another day,
to a whole new town with a whole new way.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You're It..*

For starters, i didn't get tagged...I'ma gonna START one!!
mwehehe..someone's gotta do it..

My earliest memory is...
of me trying to hold my breath for as long as i can...i was sitting on the steps in my babysitter's house when i suddenly thought, "What the hell..?? Hey, i remember not needing to breath!!"...and i did..till i got smacked on the head.

At school I...
was a semi-tomboy...i ran around playing power rangers and caught spiders and kept them in matchboxes to battle with the boys...all the while with ribbons and bows in my hair. That was back in primary school, when little girls hated little boys and being girlish was taboo..(to me la).

My first relationship was...
with my heart-shaped pillows...i still have them from 19 years ago..hehe..always will.

I wish I'd never worn...
out my first 5 terrapins...i still blame the water...bloody chlorine...murderous thing.

My mother and father always told me...
to fold my blankets...which i'm doing now. and that they always believed in my even though i'd put my education in jeopardy every time exams come around. heh..haven't failed them yet in that aspect.

I wish I had...
a killer french accent...and more hair...yea..more hair...also maybe a brother or two.

I wish I hadn't...
quit seemed like such a great idea when I was 12...but now that i'm older and i learn to appreciate art, i kick myself in the bum every time...way to go, mel...right when you were in Grade 6 too..good one.

At home I cook...
eggs...and instant noodles. i'm more a baker than a cook...i bake.

When I was a child, I wanted to...
own as many Barbie dolls as I could, and then I realised that I was a messed-up kid, because my actions contradicted each other...running around with boys and catching spiders do not match up with Barbie dolls...yea, I vocab was already THAT great..I knew what 'Contradiction' meant...heh.

The book that changed my life is...
The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank, of course. I can't really say that it has changed my life, but I've learned to be more thankful for everything. Like being born at the right place at the right time..the book also showed me how fragile life actually is, and that it can end just like that..*snapsfingers*..

It's not fashionable but...
I enjoy dissing vegetarians and being a's the IN-THING to be a vegetarian now and sip soy-latte with skim milk, but heck, I maintain that if we were meant to eat vegies, we wouldn't be given canine teeth.. for rr-rrr-rr-ii-ppp-ping meat, see?

If only I could...
Say Alakazam and turn things the way I want it to be.

Friends say I am...
quiet...mwehehehe...*shyla*...actually, some say I look square. Damn you.

What I don't find amusing is...
My uncle making spinach soup at least 3 times a week for dinner...and I have to eat them horrible spinach!!! ergh...just cos I told him once I 'could tolerate' spinach...I'm strung out near breaking point now.

I often wonder...
why Kellogg's cornflakes get stuck in the gaps at the top of your teeth which is impossible to rinse or dig out...and it just gives you this horrible 'bitey' feeling. Someone should do something about it.

Ok..Now's the time I tag people...heehee...*rubshandsgleefully*...

I tag:

1. The Hong-meister...yes, Teo, I TAG YOU! (pokemon music playing at background)
2. Karen! Cos I know Karen very good and sure will reply wan..
3. Wai King...since you've just started your blog and this'll give you some fodder..heck, it's tradition.
4. POH CHAI..!! cos you just started a blog too...
5. Daniel Lim...just cos.
6.'s about time you changed from emo 3-line sentences and emo-song lyrics. I really wanna read something on your blog that's longer than 5 sentences...PLEASE???

okok..i know normally the proper procedure is that you tag 5 people...but since I *cough* started thing whole thing...i figured (yea, i've been figuring a lot out lately) that i can do as i want to and tag as many people as i see fit...


Don't disappoint me, you tag-gees.

*inspiration from The Good Weekend SMH*

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Pre-Monday blues..

Ook..i've left Week 2 and am staring Week 3 in the face. Overall, it's not been TOO hard..heck, ok, i lie. it's been way better than 1st year...and 1st year terms of subjects, except geology..which ROCKED by the way (..haha..hahaha..notice the pun..?, in terms of contact hours per week...and also in terms of I'm-a-bloody-2nd-year-student-haha-look-at-those-freshies-getting-lost-around-the-Main-Quad...

The units i'm doing this year is more my kind of thing...let's review it together-gether, can?

1. Global Oceans-Introductory Oceanography.
- we study why seawater is salty, why the sea is blue, what drives ocean currents etc...which means trips to the seaside...which mean happiness..*glee*..

2. Invertebrate Zoology.
- basically, it's looking at alot of sea sponges (scientific classification: cnidaria) and worms (scientific classification: nematodes, platyhelminthes etc). did you know that 90% of animals are invertebrates (i.e. no backbone) and of that, 60% are worms? and no, worms aren't insects.

3. Volcanic Processes and Hazards.
- fairly explains itself...although i hear there's a field trip to this place called Island of Doom...i didn't make that up.

4. Jervis Bay Field School.
- ok so officially this is supposed to be a unit of subject as well...but the thing is, we only have a 3-hour lab a week for this course with NO lectures and NO tutorials...and even then, the labs are only held for 6 weeks out of my 13 weeks of, isn't that cool or isn't that AWESOME? let's make a count...assuming that i have all my classes that week, i'd be looking at a 17-hour week...*openeyesbigbig*...and to think i had 27 hours last year per week per semester...
who says 2nd year is not a God-sent?? huh? huh??

suddenly i feel like an arts/commerce/business i understand the attraction it has on future students...heck, if it means 12-17 hours a week, i'll damn well wear a suit, worship a calculator, sit at a 1x1.5 desk and work from 9-5..

furthermore, i start at 9 or 10 everyday, depending on what day it more damned 8 o'clock starts DAMN IT!! no more waking up at 5.30 in the morning wondering what the hell just more, i tell more, you damned universities, you hear me??!!


ok...that's enough excitement for tonight.

so far, the tally stands at:

Assignment - 1 Melanie - 0

let's all face it people, we're never ever EVER gonna score 1 up against Assignment..our tally will always be a big fat just depends on how many points Assignment scores.. if it remains within a single-digit number...consider yourself blessed.

p.s. i threw in those scientific classifications just so i could feel intellectual...heh...did i make you go "WOW"..??

p.p.s. please say you did..

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A confession.

As embarassing as it may sound, I feel that the world should know the truth. If not the world, then just the 20 or so friends of mine who reads this blog and would find any piece of incriminating news about me handy for future references regarding the enterprise that is BLACKMAIL. I hear it pays good.

Currently, I'm hooked on to All These Things That I Have Done by The Killers. And by hooked on, I mean obsessed. And by obsessed, I mean I can't get enough of it. Really. It's as bad as the effects that carrots have on rabbits. (what?? you try thinking of an analogy in 10 seconds and tell me if you can come up with something better than that).

Whenever I hear the song, which is every other minute except when I was in the shower, or when I was having dinner, or when I was watching House (it's on repeat on my WMP, heh), I'll go into a teeny-bopper frenzy, head-waving, lip synching to the words and wearing a ridiculous grin on my face. It's a nice song with a catchy tune and easy-to-remember lyrics. You can't point fingers at me and scream 'PSYCHO!'

So, while I was listening to it for the 2751986th time, a bright idea sparked in my head. Why not let the world know about how marvelous the song is and make them all listen to it too??? The world will be a happier place, if you ask me. You'll see people walking down George Street or Jalan Sultan Ismail head bopping and mouthing words that everyone else can understand AND the best part of it all..?? They'd all be SMILING!! And they'd be so caught up with the song that they'd even forget about disgusting habits like spitting or swearing or smoking!

Not only will we be happier...we'd be doing our community a Great Service!! EXCELLENT!


Yes..everyone, come sing with meee..!

"I've got soul but I'm not a soljerrrr..."

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Go away.

Sometimes, i thoroughly dislike opinionated people...they are those who must have a say about every single damn thing, ranging from the climate, to petrol hikes, to supposed 'racial' slurs and even to the brand of toilet paper deemed suitable for humanity...

Now, I think to myself, Why can't these people just shut up for once and accept that there may be others who have a different view and perspective of the topic at hand? quit pounding your agenda down our throats already!! Don't you know that you need not voice your opinions over every damned little thing?

The sooner you understand that, you'll realise that people around you will grow to love tolerate you get the (dis)advantage of sounding worldly and but trust me, no one likes a smart-aleck...

*i'm getting a headache...again*

. . .

just an update:

There has been a coup d'tat (how the hell do you spell it again..?? damn you, headache..!!) in seems a maroon Matrix has taken over the porch; once a stronghold of a 6-year-old silver Perdana.

According to reliable sources, the reasons for the successful campaign of the Matrix was due to the rise in petrol prices (meh), and also superb handling and a quiet nature in it's part...The reliable source found the lack of noise extremely appealing.

Throughout the coup, only one casualty was reported...a green Sportage. It's whereabouts are still unknown. No silver kelisas were harmed.

. . .

damned headache...begone!

. . .

As the realisation hits and begins to sink in, the moment disgustingly cliche,

"I think i've just lost.."

you knew it all along, dear.

Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue
-death cab.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not an Alcoholic.

It's been 2 weeks since i got here...time passes fast. Darn fast. Because i feel as though i've probably just landed, maybe give or take, 4 days at max?

I admit, there were my bouts of homesickness and missing this-and-that..but i still didn't expect time to fly like it's doing now..

This can only mean one thing...


I'll be back home before i even know it...and be reunited with Luna Bar..!!!

I've always wanted to swim in the looks bloody inviting...

Heehee...*sings*...i can hardly contain my happiness over such a revelation...i miss Luna Bar..DREADFULLY...and the biggest regret that i can think of now: not visiting it once more before i left..

I mean, heck, yea..i did go to Luna with Hong Yin, Nikki and Dan, but that was...quite some time ago..even before Hong Yin left..

I shuda gone back once more...SHUDA! even if only to tapau one lousy drink which always happens to be diluted...

oh shit...the slow descent into alcoholism...

I miss You, You, and You...oh...and You too...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Just Because

I'm bored tonight.

Not to mention, Extremely Frustrated as well.

Because MSN won't sign me in.

Because it seems that my gateway is offline.

Because for the first time in my life, I used the Help menu.

Because, also, for the first time in my life, i did the whole troubleshooting and testing the HTTP Proxy thingamajiggy bang-gang.

Because nothing happened.

Because I'm still denied access into MSN.

Therefore, when my player fully recharges...i'ma goin to bed.


[edit]...ok..i just found out that i am not only denied access into msn, i can't log on to my yahoo or friendster account either...can someone explain what's going on? it keeps bumping me back to the "CANNOT FIND SERVER: the page cannot be displayed" page...damnit...who created such a page anyway??? did i *gulp* mess up??

[edit2] freakin way!! i can't get into my Sydney Uni account as well!!!...god damned technology...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I didn't start that post with racial sentiments in mind...

Today..i was..funnily..pleasantly surprised. I got an anonymous comment regarding my post...the one about me saying how my taman wasn't safe anymore...and me saying how the Indians were bad, mean, nasty,'s nice to know that someone else has a view point on this topic...and i don't mean to put this into another shouting match...i've seen it all over other more-famous blogs...and i'd rather steer clear away from that.

anyway, this was the comment:

"Your Taman is not safe from anyone-it is not just the Indians that terrorize your area but also people of your race and and others. Before you come up with a racist comment like you did, its best to go to the local police stations and get the statistic. yeah I can understand your resentment and your feelings having witnessing an incident like that but hey you dont have to turn into a RACIST person.

You are exposed to the Aussie way of living and having to be able to travel abroad you should have better sense of judgdement.

We all can sit and list how high and mighty our race is and also list down how other races are but to live together in Harmony is to be able to be tolerate and to be sensitive to others.

BY shouting Indians are like this and that , nothing gets achieved except for more racist remarks to be made to your race by the Indians who reads your blog.

You can always channel your frustrations thru proper procedures, like reporting to the police on the incident,writing to local dailies or even writing on your blog is a good idea bu tplease not with racist sentiments.

Enough said, I shall now and get my child some lunch."

there...i've bolded it and enlarged the font size..

so here's to you, lady..(i'm making some assumptions here..child..? lunch..? you've gotta put two and two together, i guess)


Firstly, i didn't say that my taman was not safe from specifically Indians..(wait, lemme check..i'm quite certain about this..)'s been verified..of course i know perfectly well that my taman is not safe from's not even safe from me and that's cos i've nearly fried the microwave oven once and then a fire could've started and we're talking about terrace houses get the picture.

Secondly i didn't say ALL INDIANS ARE's a direct quote..go check it if you want.."There are quite a number of Indians who are beginning to terrorise the safe streets that we law-abiding Malaysians choose to walk on".. if you misunderstood what i was trying to say, then sorry. and if i did not refer to those two men as Indians, then what do i call them? Men? And watch them disappear into the great statistical abyss of crime?

and by saying 'men'..wouldn't that do more injustice? i'd probably have all the men in the world screaming at me by then, saying nasty things about how feminism has degraded the world and we're sexist..yea..i would not be rascist then, i'd be sexist.

Thirdly..don't turn everything into a rascist issue, please...just read and accept. some people may want to express their viewpoint in that sort of way...there's a billion over of us in the planet..if everything that we say has some connection with the issue of race, we'd all be well into World War 7 now...I just like the number am i number-biased now?

Fourthly, you say that my overseas education should have bettered my judgement...well, lady, do you mean, that i have to be quiet about it? or hint at the incident in a vague air? being in Sydney Uni has taught me to speak my mind and to tell it like it is...and it's all those damned leftists and right-wingers and political movements' fault..damn it!

Not meaning to be rude, but you have to learn to accept this...more crimes are committed by those who are may be that life and the society that we live in pushed them to such consequences but that does not mean that we can forgive nor can we diregard it by saying..'oh they're Indians..they can't help it'..wouldn't that be much worse?

so i've offended your entire community...i'm sorry. like i said, i've got heaps of really good indian's just that a minority of indians choose to commit crime...and i'm not saying that us chinese are all the more better...heck...we're kiasu and those who love crime go for even bigger arse things like armed robbery and bank heists and stuff...they'd never go for petty crime...

erm..which makes it worse, right?

oh yes..sorry if i seemed to ignore your comment..i don't know when you posted it up...but thanks, it's given me something to blog about now...although, clearly, my response isn't as well-crafted as yours, see?

but if you're still not settled with it...complain to me again...we can sort this out...or if you have decided that this blog is NO GOOD...then, well..that's that.

Friday, March 03, 2006

the day i grew to LOVE beer.

[Ok...this is the reason for the on-rush of posts...i was knocked outta action for a week]

For the benefit of those who do not know...i'm now back in Sydney and right now, at a grand time of 10.26 pm Sydney time, i'm in my room. on a Friday night. in my pyjamas. listening to Tiny Vessels by Death Cab for Cutie for the 275th time. tell me. if i didn't blog...what would i do? oh come on, no.. you weren't just about to suggest that i SLEEP, were you?


moovin' onn..

The MARS2007 Jervis Bay Field School commenced last Sunday...and at an unbelievable time of 6.30 am...i dragged myself outta the house and went to uni...on a Sunday. So here's some of the pics for you guys to see. for those who laughed at my choice of your heart out. i'm not gonna be a fisherman, you see? but you're gonna be holding a calculator close to your heart for the next 40 years...and possibly nursing a receding hairline. ha ha ha...

Ha ha ha.

DAY1: Montague Point and Governers Head.

The drive to Jervis Bay, which happens to be part of the ACT ( that's where Hong Yin is) is approximately 3 hours from Sydney. A quiet little seaside town...there were plans for a nuclear station but which were scrapped due to the terrific ability that the Australians have...that is, protesting.

Trust me, when it comes to Protests and Marches...the Australians know their shit.

There were 22 students: 5 Asians, 2 Americans and a whole loada Aussies. Notice how we all start with the letter 'A'...coincidental? i think not..!!

Stayed at the University of Canberra's Field Station...yes...i was surprised too. A pretty nice place located inside the national park...2 students per room..i got the top bit of the bunk bed...and interestingly, the bedsheets were actually plastic sheets wrapped around the mattress.. how ingenious! that meant that we could come back soaking wet from a snorkelling excursion and go to sleep straight away!

DAY2: Huskisson Wharf, Woolamia Mangrove Reserve and Moona-Moona Creek.

No pictures were taken. However, we collected plankton...and trucked around in the mud at the mangrove reserve and moona-moona...i sank all the way up and past my knee at several points of the adventure...thank god for booties. aim of the day was to quantify organisms by using the quadrat system and by taking core samples. let's just say, there's a lot of life going on in places that you would never expect.

DAY3: Huskisson Bay, Woonambena Creek, Jervis Bay.

The day was spent tracking the currents and the speed in which it being dependant on the diurnal tide cycles of Jervis Bay...(notice how i begin sprinkling big-ass words like 'diurnal' and 'quadrat'..? it's all about being in-feel with the marine scientists, yo)...then we went out to Jervis Bay to track the depths of certain parts of the bay using a high-fangled GPS system...i'm telling you..the amount of gadgets that these marine scientists begin to wonder if you're not in some crazy branch of engineering after all...oh the horror...*shudders*

The highlight of the day? i got to manouver the little motorboat up and down Woonambena Creek...exciting? an was MIND-BLOWING..!

[ok..commercial break...i'm now listening to I Was A Kaleidoscope for the 17th time...reckon it can break the Tiny Vessel record?]

DAY4: Steamer's Beach, Moona-Moona Creek.

Group C: Sam, Tom, Pip, Angela, Emilyn, Me and Nick.

Proffesor Andy Short...the Head-honcho of the Field School.

Nasty blue-bottles. They're jellyfish and they sting. hundreds upon thousands got washed up on the shore..and when you jump on them..they make a POP sound...i had about 40-mins worth of fun with them.. they're evil and they stung Tom's leg.

At Steamer's, we did ground survey of the beach area...using the yellow tripod-y thing that you see those people standing along the highways know..?? the ones where they stare into this little box-y gadget and there's another person quite far off who stand with a little pole? you know what i'm talking about.

Anyways, the day was gloomy, overcast, wet AND cold. not very nice considering that just the day before, it was hot, hot enough to jump into Stony Creek for a snorkelling session. I'm telling you, Australian weather PMS-es like crazy.

Steamer's was's like your very own private beach..located within the national one ever goes there, because you have to hike for 2.3km before reaching the beach...but once you get past the hike, the view is awesome. and just to show how deserted the beach was...we saw a whole troupe of dolphins come swimming up to the beach...they were herding in schools of fish for their was..MAGNIFICENT!!! and then the seals decided to drop in for a visit too...i mean, you don't see this at Bondi or Manly, do you? only at Steamer's.

And that's the end.

Night-time at the base was a completely different story altogether. i shouldn't be saying this..not because i'm embarassed...but because my mom reads my blog...but i WILL say it all the same...because what happened was so utterly ridiculous and incredible that i MUST say it.

Throughout the whole 5-days-4-nights that i was there...i had a cumulative 17 hours of sleep...and i drank at least 3 6-packs of beer. Ridiculous isn't it? the boys just kept dragging me outta my room and forcing a bottle into my hands...every.single.damned.night...and the last night was a killer... i won't even begin to tell you about this little game they played that involved a snorkel, a roll of tissue paper, a boy and a's just...too incredible. when you have drunk potential marine scientists (and even legitimate ones that teach at the university), marine equipment and a sense of humour, you'll get extremely funny situations.

and hence...photographic evidence.

HAH! and you thought you'd be able to see pictures of the snorkel game, dintcha? sorry..i was laughing too hard i forgot to snap any pics... but by the time these photos were taken, i was already quite buggered...note the brown paper bag that contained Emilyn's JD and the bottles of Toohey's Extra Dry..they're the best, i tell ya.

Doing marine science was the best decision that
i could've ever made.
I could spend my whole life doing what i did
during the past 5 days.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My 3 months back home.

I know this came one week too late. I was meaning to have it posted up on the day that i left...but...Unavoidable Matters came up and i was Indisposed.

To Elaine,
You were the first face i saw when i reached kl (besides me parents la) and also one of the last faces i saw when i left kl (besides my parents also la). THANK YOU for all those early morning jogging trips, the night we boozed at your house, the times we drove all the way to Murni for nasi lemak ayam goreng and mango special,for introducing me to Bleach, the trip to malacca and being our official egg-pealer, the shopping, the chilling outs, the shisha-sessions, the failed attempts to go to Baskin Robbins/Swensens...but we made it in the end, your X-Trail and so much more!!

To Poh Leng,
You were the second face i saw when i reached home. i still remember jumping out at you and scaring you when i got out from the shower. THANK YOU for being in OB once again with me, for all the late night chats that we had, for making me MAKE YOU come out at night with us, for all the mamak sessions, for the entertainment you provided when we were at Murni, for listening to me ramble on and on about something so trivial yet so confusing, for putting up with us when we..ahem..supposedly teased you...BUT WE'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU!

To Abby,
You were the THIRD face i saw that night. Thanks for being a friend all these's tough work to maintain a friendship that started since we were 7 but we've pulled it through so far and i truly appreciate it..(even though there were times during primary school where we'd fight). THANK YOU for all the shisha-sessions as well, for the hole in your jeans, for calling me every morning and every evening to ask me to yum-cha, for coming out even though you don't have cash (*coughbullshitcough*), for trying to tapau drinks for us in bangsar but couldn't cos you were in shorts, for all the rascist comments you make about Them, for making me laugh, for all the times that i met you in day we shall have rich and cute boyfriends so that my dad won't laugh at us anymore, ok?

To Nikki,
a quarter of the 'Hood, you always have perfect hair that falls perfectly across your eyes and never gets oily when the weather turns humid...grrr...freakin jealous...hahaha. THANK YOU for all the times we took pictures in the Luna Bar toilet, for the partying in Zouk, for unintentionally introducing me to eyeliner even though you don't know it, for being a food fanatic as well so that i wouldn't seem like the only glutton in the group, for loving vodka as much as i do, for being at Langkawi: Island of Sin, for all the times you rode the train down to Kajang even though sometimes you had to ride it alone because of the lousy chicken weng, for all the mahjong sessions, and gambling sessions, and shopping sessions, and eating sessions, and drinking sessions, for all the times we conned food outta the Uncle...and so much more which i can't think now but that which will suddenly pop in my head and make me the time i see you at the end of this year, we shall have achieved our goals and resolutions, k?

To Lousy Cheeken Weng,
Frankly speaking right, you always FFK-ed us, you know? especially towards the not nice...hahaha...but all the same, THANK YOU for putting up with us everytime we...ahem... teased you. you're very patient because if i were you, those damned girls would be DEAD by now...hahaha. Thanks for being the second quarter of the 'Hood, for drinking even though you can't drink *coughbullshitcough*, for all the times you had to tackle your mom in order to come down to kajang, for buying me and nikki the molten chocolate cake, for being another happy participant in Langkawi:Island of Sin...but no thanks to the times you stranded nikki...that's unforgivable man..! i'll see you soon and mark my words, Arsenal will lose every single contending titles.

To Hong Yin,
Always the one with the most comments because you're a so-called-lawyer-in-the-making and as the last quarter of the 'Hood which is currently disbanded. THANK YOU for the Luna Bar Chronicles, for Zouk because if you never 'demanded' that we go clubbing, i never would, for being another alcoholic, for all the times we complained about how fat we are and the next minute we gorge down food, for providing us with entertainment at Langkawi, for all the midnight calls we made, for bitching sessions, for listening to me (but i know you still think i'm an ass for something like that to happen), for everything that stood for being young, single and free. we will both work on it slowly, together ok? we'll make it..!

To Daniel,
THANK YOU for all the times that you managed to come out with us, for providing us with an insight to the world of sharemarket, for being a gentleman to the girls, for coming to Langkawi with us, for the wonderful pictures that you took whilst we were there, for being yet another alcoholic, for your funny little pseudo-australian accent.

To Lily,
I didn't really meet-up with you much this time because you were busy with your uni and everything...but for all the times that we did, i just wanna say THANK YOU. Thanks for staying over at my place, for coming to Zouk with us, for being at the dinner at Souled Out.

To Yihaur,
I'm not even gonna bother typing it out...*sticks out tongue*...blablabla...
ok...i won't make you cry. Our conversations were almost ALWAYS infused with sarcasm... maybe that's my fault la but we're not cross-examining my faults in this post...that comes later. hahaha...but yes, THANK YOU for a lot a lot A LOT of things that happened during the 3 months that i was back, for kicking my ass at the 5-10-15 game, for making me realise that ribena is the best thing that goes with kurant, for showing me that you can do so much more with the shisha-tube other than inhaling/exhaling...for just being you.

To Karen,
THANK YOU for yet another fun and eventful time at OB, for all the times that we were climbing in Camp5 where you'll proceed to astound me in your climbing skills, for cutting off rm3 from the fee that i had to pay because you'll be able to get the ATC/carabiner set for us, for all the outings with the OB ppl...hahahaha..what i said was true. if i were a guy, you'd have me hounding at your door.

To Raymond,
THANK YOU for that little doll that you made...hahahaha...for the times that you came down from penang to meet up with all of us, for being my self-proclaimed little bro. i hope i'll see you in OB this year..quit from TAR la for goodness' sakes.

To the OB crew,
THANK YOU guys for making YAC20 and CAC-something extremely Jon, i'll always remember the Boathouse song that we randomly created. Sorry la, i'd have loved to put up individual photos of me and everyone...but it's all in photo form and not digital.