Tuesday, October 30, 2007

microscopic EXPLOSION.

quick update because i desperately need to distract myself from studying about genetics:

the funniest shit happened to me yesterday. i had wanted to cook pasta for dinner last night and remembered that i had a bottle of pasta sauce IN THE FRIDGE (n.b. very important that it was in the fridge). so i walked towards the fridge, took out the bottle and removed the cap.

quicker than you can say SNAP (and that's very quick indeed because it takes next to no time to say snap), the bottle exploded with a POOF and a cloud of spore-smoke wafted out from the mouth of the bottle, much like the ominous mists you see rolling over graveyards in B-grade horror movies. hail built-up pressure.

and so i was just standing there, in shock and disbelief, inhaling microscopic spores at the rate of a million spores per second. who knew that tomato and mushroom sauce would be so dangerous. and then it hit me. you know, the lungs would be the most conducive environment for little baby spores to grow into nasty adult fungus. the lungs are always moist and most importantly, warm. much like a mother's womb...ahhh.

so not only did i NOT have tomato-based pasta last night (i still ended up having pasta, asian style), i am now possibly home to a thriving community of fungi. if i don't update in more than a week, you'll know what happened.

i mean, how the fuck can fungi develop on food kept in the fridge?! goddam, they're the next super-race, i'm telling you.

ok...time to study. maybe.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween 2007

on Friday, i had a Halloween party...my first ever one in which i'd actually motivated myself to dress up for. the source of motivation? peer pressure. yes, it is very disheartening to sit around a table hearing about all the cool costumes your friends will be showing up in for the party. talks of black wigs, fishnet stockings and corsets (all very kinky-sounding, i know) was enough to rile me up. although i'm not from the Land of the Southern Neighbour, but i still know the K-word...if enough to save my own face.

so anyway, i decided to dress up as an angel. yes, i know. i could've gone as an emo or a nerd or even a devil, but i thought i had to be true to my inner-self...and my true inner-self SCREAMS of all things good and, well, Angel-y.

all i can say is: Halloween is insane. i'll let the pictures do the talking, because, actually, erm...i'm still recovering from the aftermath. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

ran into Camperdown Cellars and was faced with a moral dilemma: be patriotic and stereotypically Malaysian by buying Tiger or relive good memories and reignite nostalgia by opting for Bintang? it didn't take long to come up with my decision though. Bintang is harder to find (but more expensive, fuck!) therefore logic would dictate that i go with the beer with the red logo. walked out of the cellars a proud (and happy) owner of a 6-pack. damn, should've worn my bintang shirt...i'd totally own the night.

you can't see it from here, but Jake had two pairs of socks and some-unfortunate-one's phone hiding in his Superman-esque underwear. (n.b. i might look very red here, but let me assure you, it was just the lighting's fault and also partly due to photoshopping in an attempt to bring colour into my face. i'm a very responsible drinker. honest.)

the toxic angel who stole my wings!

SEE? fucking told you i was fucking angelic right? an angel does not discriminate between the basement or the top floor. actually...when i think of it now, it's rather like osmosis: where alco goes, angel follows. AAHAHAHAHAH! ahhh...i'm so blessed.

Friday, October 26, 2007

multiple endings to a story

yesterday marked the end of many things which played significant roles in my life. and as always with endings, there is no good and bad of it...there is only a sense of termination and possibly a hint of nostalgia mixed amply with sadness.

as of yesterday, my years of being an undergraduate in Sydney University successfully came to an end (and this is the point where i ignore the upcoming exams and confidently assume that i will ace it with flying colours). i had expected a heightened sense of jubilance while walking out of my last practical session...but instead i was handed a big plate of 'Meh'. after much thought as to why such feelings of joy were absent, i've come to a conclusion that, after all, tomorrow is just another day. unless the termination of my degree meant that i would inherit a bazillion dollars from some uncle i didn't know i had AND that i would automatically become spouse to Gael Garcia Bernal, well, no thanks, i think i'll save my joy for another day.

(incidentally, that would mean 'tomorrow' if i were to follow on the rationalisation that 'tomorrow is just ANOTHER DAY'...haha...i'm such an enigma)

joy aside, it did give me a sense of completion. knowing that i've completed three years worth of tertiary education without a single hiccup or spanner thrown into the process is good. and also, maybe a little surreal, just because i still remember vividly how much trepidation i had about uni during the first few months of my first year. i remember telling myself that it would never end...but wahey! lookie here..it's already done!

(although, now that i'm looking through my old posts written circa 2005, i just realised that i wasn't such a happy camper about uni after all..goddam this negative attitude *spits*)

well, i raise my glass to you, The University of Sydney. we may not have been the best of friends but you've still taught me essential lessons about life: like how to get drunk at 5.30 on a wednesday afternoon. cheers, old mate.

. . .

yesterday night, i received a call from my dad, bearing bad news. the father of one of my closest friends had passed away. not only was he the father of my friend, but in a way, i see him as a sort of father/uncle-figure in my life too. i've known his family, literally, since i was born as he was a close friend of my father's and it so happened that me and my friend were of the same age. when i heard the news, i didn't know how to react. it was quite a big blow for me as i had lost my grandmother a month ago. dealing with the deaths of two who played such significant roles in my life is terrible indeed.

yesterday only served to hammer home this point: that life is fragile and too often than not, it is wrought with uncertainties . it is exactly this unpredicatability that has me scared shitless at the moment. if this could've happened to uncle pat within the blink of an eye, it can happen to anyone and EVERYONE, even my own parents (they are not indestructible). as selfish as this might sound, i don't ever want to be in the position that my friend is now in: the receiving end of such devastating news all of a sudden. i know everyone has to pass on sooner or later, but please God, let me not receive that knowledge in this way.

and a further note: when my dad called me to tell me about the news, i could hear through the phone just how distraught he was. i think this was a huge blow for him because they have been friends for so long. the moment he said "And here's another good friend lost" it jolted me back to mid-2004, when i was at Felicia's funeral and her dad had told me that "You've lost a good friend". i could still remember how devastated i was and i can totally understand how my dad felt. and just the fact that my dad's voice was sort of breaking, it heightened the sense of hopelessness i was feeling to even greater heights.

to listen to someone who's always in control of themself subtly losing composure is terrifying. i can't even begin to imagine what uncle pat's family is going through. my deepest condolences to them.

life is indeed fragile and highly unpredictable.

. . .

which has finally led me to thinking. life is too short to be wasted on level-headedness and uncertainties. which is why in the early hours of yesterday morning, it finally marked the end of us. although, truth be told, i haven't thought of you lately at all. not one bit. yesterday, i finally cast off all my doubts, and for once after so long, made myself happy. albeit this morning i woke up with a slight twinge of regret. but fuck it. life's too short. if it ends up as a mistake, then i'll just accept it as being that. i'd rather make mistakes now and learn from such lessons when i'm still young than if i were to make mistakes when i'm old and held accountable to my actions.

"Blame it on youth," Dan said.

youth, like alcohol, can always be relied on to play the part of the perfect scapegoat.

. . .

the end.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

This is an Adventure.

21 years of age.
Son of a preacher man.
Lead singer.
Mastermind behind the chicken+potato+pasta+Campbell soup.
Passionate Liverpool FC fan.

20 years of age.
Entertains boozed up, high white women.
Plays the guitar.
Ourimbah resident.
Passionate Arsenal FC fan.

21 years of age.
Aspiring member of Team Zissou.
Loathes vegetarians deep-down inside.
Gets off from Death Cab.
Passionate Wong Choong Han fan.

21 years of age.
Wears emo glasses (not shown in portrait).
Has frequented Maison.
Has some sort of football injury.
[Edited: Not Waiking]

Age unknown.
Has just celebrated/is still celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Resides in Ourimbah (Newcastle?)
Yet to be verified.

A journey from Sydney to Cairns with a total of thirteen stops in between.
Sydney. Port Stephens. Port Macquarie. Coffs Harbour. Byron Bay. Gold Coast. Brisbane. Sunshine Coast. Bundaberg. Rockhampton. Mackay. Townsville. Cairns.
10 days on the open road.
Approximately 1320 miles.
1 CD-player and 1 5-man tent.

if this is not Awesome (with a capital A) i don't know what else is. and to think, just in less than a month. ZOMG! confirm cannot focus on exams.

. . .

i will totally understand if some of my readers would rather maintain their anonymity. but i'd be awfully grateful if you guys could just pop a comment down so that i can have a rough guesstimate of the total readers i've actually got. you don't need to put your name down if you don't want to. just an Anonymous 1, Anonymous 2 and so on would be good enough.

Much appreciated, guys. thanks heaps!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Take no prisoners.

Onward with the Crusade.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bringing Vegetables To You Since 1986.

to dream the impossible dream...

...of becoming a vegetarian.

no. i was just kidding.

anyhow, i've set myself this (personal) challenge. starting from today (or actually, yesterday) my meals will consist of 90% vegetables. i am limiting my intake of rice, maggi noodles, chips, mash potatoes, meat and chocolates in a bid to lose weight in time for summer!

and to make good my intentions, i went out grocery shopping today and bought $19.41 worth of vegetables and fruits. and for dinner, i cooked a big pot of vegetable chicken soup. which will, hopefully, last me till Tuesday.

thus begins my affair with those whom i love to hate.

group photo.
clockwise from left: tomato, siu pak choy, cabbage, leek, purple cabbage, yellow capsicum and carrot.

The end result:

if you were thinking whether i put siu pak choy into the soup, well, i most certainly DID NOT!
what are you...MAD?
neither was the capsicum too, by the way.

i will survive.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i'm at a lost. 6 days till the curtains fall and suddenly i'm struck down with indecisions. it's terrifying, the thought of not knowing what to do.

it's overwhelming, the visions of an end.
an end and the beginning?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Final straw.

this is me, blogging from a computer in Badham library. this is where i intend to stay until i get kicked out, which will be in approximately 5 hours time, now being 2.20 p.m. how shameless.

i'm determined to stay here until the lights go out in order to finish this report on the mutualism between ants and acacia trees, which has so far refused to WRITE ITSELF UP and also rebuking all attempts made on my part to placate and succor that stubborn, STUBBORN nature. however, i am a peaceful and gentle soul at heart thus i have resolved not to subject it to brute force. but, as they say, patience has its limits.

anyway, this is me, sending out a plea to all existing couples in the universe:

Please, if you're in the library, for decency's sake, DO NOT kiss and make loud lip-smacking noises in front of other patrons. Soft gentle sighs and moaning noises are also a no-no. This is very distracting for the person(s) sitting beside you and can potentially drive her/him/them up the wall and turn her/him/them in to a mean, cold and bitter unloving bitch(es) or bastard(s).

If the throes of passion has caught you and there's no possible escape from it, then please, move into the discussion room at the back of the library. I walked past it just a few minutes ago and it was empty. A perfect place to indulge the senses.

So once again, please...DO NOT engage in public shows of affection in the library. It is very quiet in here. You may think that you've got the volume under control, but trust me, EVERYONE heard/will hear you.

Thank you.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


apologies for the expletive.

however, spastic faces aside, your distraction was much appreciated. i know i can always count on you to provide that added bit of entertainment. no matter if you were in Hawaii or now, in Portland State University, Oregano (see? I REMEMBER OK!?), i know that you're just an MSN window, a webcam screenshot, a microphone and an F2 button (inside joke) away!

and just so you know, elaine, i'm fucked for my report due this friday. all because of you. but you're worth it. maybelline.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


suddenly i miss those days where i didn't have to constant flick strands of hair away from my hair. or scrape said strands of hair to one side of my forehead. it's quite annoying.

strangely enough, although my new hairstyle has somehow managed to impress the masses (and most of them actually like it better this way)...i still long for my old messy straggly stringy LONG hair.

this new hairdo makes me look very preppy...it's a far cry from what people once called me...

a dirty no-good hippy.

see? so nice...no prissy fringe to mengacau near the ocular regions.


i had something more important that i wanted to say. it's only been a few weeks actually..and i KNOW it's just too fast and too short a time period, but i'd just like to say that i've been swept off my feet and have fallen madly in love again.

and no, i'm not trying to fool my readers *koffNIKKIkoff* by finally revealing that the love of my life is a cartoon character (mcb betul...stupid spongebob). he is a real. HAHA!

it's so strange really, the first time i saw him, i knew that i had to make him mine. and i've gotta say, the initial attraction for me were his eyes. he has the most dreamy eyes i've ever come across. but after slowly getting to know him, i've come to realise that there is a much deeper sense in him...a man beneath his seemingly boyish exterior. when he laughs his eyes creases into little winking halfmoons and i get a tingly sensation all over, finding myself unable to resist laughing along with him.

this is the man i KNOW i want to marry...some day.

Gael Garcia Bernal

ohhh...you're such a tease.
iheartchu...THIS much!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dim sums and mango bier.

last weekend was great awesome. the teo and her squeeze came down to sydney for a visit. just what i needed. good food, lazy sunny days by the beach, shopping and bonding throug R-OH. thanks for coming down, woman...that was a pretty good talk we had on the sands, although it could've gone on for longer. that Will la, kacau oni. HAHA!

some shenanigans i found in my camera. hmmph.

and in other highly irrelevant news:

you remember Arnold Barkhordarian? the one who called me a null hypothesis?

well, it turns out that he's the author of several Lonely Planet Guides, including the one on Malaysia! HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT!? go google his name...he has 4410 results! and to think he is one of my group members for Ecology! Aaaahhhh...good ol' Sydney University DOES open doors and a world of opportunities for you.

if you've ever thought of bumming free Lonely Planet guides from someone, that is. i know i have.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tegan Schetrumpf


"I never write about that."
(Be offhand, condescending,
puzzled, pliant, disapproving,
misdirect, do anything!)

"Not much left to say really."
(Casually disagree,
Not too much of a fight now,
or you'll peak their interest)

"It happened so long ago."
(I barely remember,
dull and ancient, boring, chalky,
dust and bones and memories)

"Sad, but I'm at peace with it."
(Could be if you would just stop
disturbing the dead - gorged enough?
There's no flesh left anyway)

"It helped me to be who I am."
(There's your bridge over chaos,
take it and leave me alone,
time to stop picking the scab...)

"Okay, can you please drop it?"
(Too close, too rude, too clumsy!
Pain likes pain - I'll tear something out,
then you'll probe yourself instead!)

How is it you dare judge me?
Ignorant mole! Burrowing
in fouled soil where the brave are felled
and cowards like you quiver!

I am not hiding from you!
I protect you from questions
and answers, burdens far too large
to be encompassed with words.

Scuttle away, crabs to and fro,
This one stays with pincers raised.
Nothing can be done: nothing is.
Time sculpts the meaningless shore...

"Why don't you write about it anymore?"
"It happened so long ago,
not much left to say really, so
I never write about that."