Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I didn't start that post with racial sentiments in mind...

Today..i was..funnily..pleasantly surprised. I got an anonymous comment regarding my post...the one about me saying how my taman wasn't safe anymore...and me saying how the Indians were bad, mean, nasty, evil..etc...it's nice to know that someone else has a view point on this topic...and i don't mean to put this into another shouting match...i've seen it all over other more-famous blogs...and i'd rather steer clear away from that.

anyway, this was the comment:

"Your Taman is not safe from anyone-it is not just the Indians that terrorize your area but also people of your race and and others. Before you come up with a racist comment like you did, its best to go to the local police stations and get the statistic. yeah I can understand your resentment and your feelings having witnessing an incident like that but hey you dont have to turn into a RACIST person.

You are exposed to the Aussie way of living and having to be able to travel abroad you should have better sense of judgdement.

We all can sit and list how high and mighty our race is and also list down how other races are but to live together in Harmony is to be able to be tolerate and to be sensitive to others.

BY shouting Indians are like this and that , nothing gets achieved except for more racist remarks to be made to your race by the Indians who reads your blog.

You can always channel your frustrations thru proper procedures, like reporting to the police on the incident,writing to local dailies or even writing on your blog is a good idea bu tplease not with racist sentiments.

Enough said, I shall now and get my child some lunch."

there...i've bolded it and enlarged the font size..

so here's to you, lady..(i'm making some assumptions here..child..? lunch..? you've gotta put two and two together, i guess)


Firstly, i didn't say that my taman was not safe from specifically Indians..(wait, lemme check..i'm quite certain about this..)...yes..it's been verified..of course i know perfectly well that my taman is not safe from ANYONE...it's not even safe from me and that's cos i've nearly fried the microwave oven once and then a fire could've started and we're talking about terrace houses here...you get the picture.

Secondly i didn't say ALL INDIANS ARE BAD..here's a direct quote..go check it if you want.."There are quite a number of Indians who are beginning to terrorise the safe streets that we law-abiding Malaysians choose to walk on".. if you misunderstood what i was trying to say, then sorry. and if i did not refer to those two men as Indians, then what do i call them? Men? And watch them disappear into the great statistical abyss of crime?

and by saying 'men'..wouldn't that do more injustice? i'd probably have all the men in the world screaming at me by then, saying nasty things about how feminism has degraded the world and we're sexist..yea..i would not be rascist then, i'd be sexist.

Thirdly..don't turn everything into a rascist issue, please...just read and accept. some people may want to express their viewpoint in that sort of way...there's a billion over of us in the planet..if everything that we say has some connection with the issue of race, we'd all be well into World War 7 now...I just like the number 7...so am i number-biased now?

Fourthly, you say that my overseas education should have bettered my judgement...well, lady, do you mean, that i have to be quiet about it? or hint at the incident in a vague air? being in Sydney Uni has taught me to speak my mind and to tell it like it is...and it's all those damned leftists and right-wingers and political movements' fault..damn it!

Not meaning to be rude, but you have to learn to accept this...more crimes are committed by those who are indians..it may be that life and the society that we live in pushed them to such consequences but that does not mean that we can forgive nor can we diregard it by saying..'oh they're Indians..they can't help it'..wouldn't that be much worse?

so i've offended your entire community...i'm sorry. like i said, i've got heaps of really good indian friends...it's just that a minority of indians choose to commit crime...and i'm not saying that us chinese are all the more better...heck...we're kiasu and those who love crime go for even bigger arse things like armed robbery and bank heists and stuff...they'd never go for petty crime...

erm..which makes it worse, right?

oh yes..sorry if i seemed to ignore your comment..i don't know when you posted it up...but thanks, it's given me something to blog about now...although, clearly, my response isn't as well-crafted as yours, see?

but if you're still not settled with it...complain to me again...we can sort this out...or if you have decided that this blog is NO GOOD...then, well..that's that.


At 3/8/06, 3:23 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

haha...chill mel...

someppl just got offended for the wrong reasons...

there's substance to what u posted...others will see it the way u do...:)

At 3/8/06, 12:55 PM, Blogger domesticated goddess said...

erm.... i like indian curry...

a blog is a blog, its yours and yours alone, write what u feel .. and there are a million different ways to interpret what you write...

so chill!!
keep blogging!

At 3/8/06, 4:29 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha..no..it's ok..i wasn't angry or anything..in fact, it's given me an opportunity to blog about something more..substantial?

hahaha..but thanks for the..urm.. support..? hahahaha..thanks!

At 3/8/06, 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like your blog has is yet another victim of controversy.... such debates will always rage on, especially on blogs where personal opinions, be they good or bad, are aired. But yeah, at least it gave you an interesting topic to blog about. :)

At 3/9/06, 4:00 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

yea..i was kinda running out of ideas..i mean, heck, there's just SO much pictures i can put on and that many posts about love and what-not before i turn it into another ditzy blog..right?

At 3/9/06, 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the best way to keep the flame burning in a blog is to keep posting random thoughts and ideas that you normally wouldn't say out loud in daily life....

At 3/9/06, 10:46 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha...okie-dokie..will keep that in mind...
now..are we talking about controversial topics here or what?

~gotta keep the fire burning man~


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