Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You're It..*

For starters, i didn't get tagged...I'ma gonna START one!!
mwehehe..someone's gotta do it..

My earliest memory is...
of me trying to hold my breath for as long as i can...i was sitting on the steps in my babysitter's house when i suddenly thought, "What the hell..?? Hey, i remember not needing to breath!!"...and i did..till i got smacked on the head.

At school I...
was a semi-tomboy...i ran around playing power rangers and caught spiders and kept them in matchboxes to battle with the boys...all the while with ribbons and bows in my hair. That was back in primary school, when little girls hated little boys and being girlish was taboo..(to me la).

My first relationship was...
with my heart-shaped pillows...i still have them from 19 years ago..hehe..always will.

I wish I'd never worn...
out my first 5 terrapins...i still blame the water...bloody chlorine...murderous thing.

My mother and father always told me...
to fold my blankets...which i'm doing now. and that they always believed in my even though i'd put my education in jeopardy every time exams come around. heh..haven't failed them yet in that aspect.

I wish I had...
a killer french accent...and more hair...yea..more hair...also maybe a brother or two.

I wish I hadn't...
quit seemed like such a great idea when I was 12...but now that i'm older and i learn to appreciate art, i kick myself in the bum every time...way to go, mel...right when you were in Grade 6 too..good one.

At home I cook...
eggs...and instant noodles. i'm more a baker than a cook...i bake.

When I was a child, I wanted to...
own as many Barbie dolls as I could, and then I realised that I was a messed-up kid, because my actions contradicted each other...running around with boys and catching spiders do not match up with Barbie dolls...yea, I vocab was already THAT great..I knew what 'Contradiction' meant...heh.

The book that changed my life is...
The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank, of course. I can't really say that it has changed my life, but I've learned to be more thankful for everything. Like being born at the right place at the right time..the book also showed me how fragile life actually is, and that it can end just like that..*snapsfingers*..

It's not fashionable but...
I enjoy dissing vegetarians and being a's the IN-THING to be a vegetarian now and sip soy-latte with skim milk, but heck, I maintain that if we were meant to eat vegies, we wouldn't be given canine teeth.. for rr-rrr-rr-ii-ppp-ping meat, see?

If only I could...
Say Alakazam and turn things the way I want it to be.

Friends say I am...
quiet...mwehehehe...*shyla*...actually, some say I look square. Damn you.

What I don't find amusing is...
My uncle making spinach soup at least 3 times a week for dinner...and I have to eat them horrible spinach!!! ergh...just cos I told him once I 'could tolerate' spinach...I'm strung out near breaking point now.

I often wonder...
why Kellogg's cornflakes get stuck in the gaps at the top of your teeth which is impossible to rinse or dig out...and it just gives you this horrible 'bitey' feeling. Someone should do something about it.

Ok..Now's the time I tag people...heehee...*rubshandsgleefully*...

I tag:

1. The Hong-meister...yes, Teo, I TAG YOU! (pokemon music playing at background)
2. Karen! Cos I know Karen very good and sure will reply wan..
3. Wai King...since you've just started your blog and this'll give you some fodder..heck, it's tradition.
4. POH CHAI..!! cos you just started a blog too...
5. Daniel Lim...just cos.
6.'s about time you changed from emo 3-line sentences and emo-song lyrics. I really wanna read something on your blog that's longer than 5 sentences...PLEASE???

okok..i know normally the proper procedure is that you tag 5 people...but since I *cough* started thing whole thing...i figured (yea, i've been figuring a lot out lately) that i can do as i want to and tag as many people as i see fit...


Don't disappoint me, you tag-gees.

*inspiration from The Good Weekend SMH*


At 3/23/06, 10:01 PM, Blogger domesticated goddess said...

ok... ive done it
hahha.. it was FUN
and btw.. i LOVE ur new pic.. haha.. i see myself there.. the 'main' star of the collage.. see how my fair and lovely white skin stands out in a crowd of tanned poeple! LOL

At 3/23/06, 10:39 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

Bwahahahaha...once again i'm struck by your modesty..

YAY! my tag worked!!


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