Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween 2007

on Friday, i had a Halloween first ever one in which i'd actually motivated myself to dress up for. the source of motivation? peer pressure. yes, it is very disheartening to sit around a table hearing about all the cool costumes your friends will be showing up in for the party. talks of black wigs, fishnet stockings and corsets (all very kinky-sounding, i know) was enough to rile me up. although i'm not from the Land of the Southern Neighbour, but i still know the K-word...if enough to save my own face.

so anyway, i decided to dress up as an angel. yes, i know. i could've gone as an emo or a nerd or even a devil, but i thought i had to be true to my inner-self...and my true inner-self SCREAMS of all things good and, well, Angel-y.

all i can say is: Halloween is insane. i'll let the pictures do the talking, because, actually, erm...i'm still recovering from the aftermath. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

ran into Camperdown Cellars and was faced with a moral dilemma: be patriotic and stereotypically Malaysian by buying Tiger or relive good memories and reignite nostalgia by opting for Bintang? it didn't take long to come up with my decision though. Bintang is harder to find (but more expensive, fuck!) therefore logic would dictate that i go with the beer with the red logo. walked out of the cellars a proud (and happy) owner of a 6-pack. damn, should've worn my bintang shirt...i'd totally own the night.

you can't see it from here, but Jake had two pairs of socks and some-unfortunate-one's phone hiding in his Superman-esque underwear. (n.b. i might look very red here, but let me assure you, it was just the lighting's fault and also partly due to photoshopping in an attempt to bring colour into my face. i'm a very responsible drinker. honest.)

the toxic angel who stole my wings!

SEE? fucking told you i was fucking angelic right? an angel does not discriminate between the basement or the top floor. actually...when i think of it now, it's rather like osmosis: where alco goes, angel follows. AAHAHAHAHAH! ahhh...i'm so blessed.


At 10/29/07, 9:22 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

nice costume =) u look super sweet! =D

At 10/29/07, 1:20 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

heheheeeehehehehe...thanks yunnie!!

At 10/29/07, 8:21 PM, Blogger itsjeaney said...

*jealous jealous*

Lol I was supposed to dress up as a bee. A kinky one. But I ditched that idea cos I don't know where to go. :(
So sad okay... :(

At 10/29/07, 11:40 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

lol..yea a kinky bee sounds like a great idea. erm..why don't you round up some friends and crash a bar? i'm sure you'll get heaps of free rounds of drinks just for the effort.

i mean, c'mon. kinky bee?! like bees to honey man..*bad pun*

At 10/30/07, 7:39 PM, Blogger itsjeaney said...

Kinky bee idea failed... :(
Damn sad la!
Don't know.. most of my friends malas want to celebrate halloween... So I think most prolly it'll pass just like that... :(


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