i'm here!
it's been raining every day since i got to sydney. every single day. the nice warm end-of-summer weather is nowhere to be found. i miss everyone so so so much back home; my dad, my friends, my car, my pillow..and yet, this time around, it doesn't hurt as much as it did the last time around. my theory is that the heart steels and coats itself with some sort of numbing salve. and i guess being a veteran of 2 years in Sydney has taught me that 9 months passes awfully quick...sometimes too quick, in fact, for the heart to heal.
anyway, how did i spend my last few days in malaysia, i hear you say?
Why, Chinese New Year, Matrix-style of course.

Yea, i meant Matrix-the-movie..until i realised we were leaning on Matrix-the-car. i'm genius.
OH yeaa..we had so much style oozing out from our pores...it blew our brains out.

So ok, we channeled Mr. Spock.
and OH YEA! a bunch of us attempted to blow up a bottle of coke. you know, that myth about mentos + diet coke = armageddon explosion? well..it..spouted la, that's all i can say. my only defence is that we used coke instead of diet coke..so within my 9 months here, i shall try it again but this time using diet...either by myself, or when i fly down to perth to try it with gene...either way, i'm getting some answers, damn it.
oh..wait, you know what would be a really good myth for the Myth Busters to bust?
Having sex in an elevator.
you know, you've seen it in movies, you've heard urban legends...your receptionist at the office has been boasting about it. but my understanding is that even if you do it in the elevator of the petronas twin towers or kl towers..there is never gonna be enough time to undress, do the deed, withdraw and get the hell out.
man...this is a myth SO WORTHY of The Mythbusters, indeed.
the first 4 days of 9 months is a bit hard to bear.