Lately i've been experiencing lapses in my memory, of the short-term kind. and with each day, it gets worse and worse. i forget things like removing my pendrive from the library computer (it's currently sitting in Badham library..I HOPE!), what i was gonna buy at Coles, the time i'm supposed to meet my groupmates for our pre-presentation pep-talk, my lab book for marine bio, what insult i was about to hurl at xiang (the good kind), what i was supposed to pick up when i walk into my room...the examples go on.
after awhile, it just gets really frustrating.
i have my theories; it may be a sign of old age, or the fact that 99% of my brain cells are currently occupied with assignments and abstracts and excel spreadsheets, or maybe it's a way of my body retaliating towards the greater-than-normal influx of vegetables. i personally feel that the last theory holds the most weight.
and now i shall proceed to post pictures of what my life has been for the past few weeks. and by pictures of my life, i mean that they will be pictures of food which i've cooked up. because sadly, 50% of my life revolves around food and the dinner/lunch menu. i would've liked to post pictures of my assignments too...because that's where the remainder of my life currently lies...but then to take snapshots of my Word documents would truly be the pinacle of sadness.
I love mashed potatoes. Especially mashed potatoes swimming with gravy. But not as much as HOME-MADE mashed potatoes swimming in gravy (with a little help from Butter and Milk). positively delightful. and i know, the hong-dao-sui (red bean soup to everyone else) looks a bit sick...but trust tastes fucking good. and i'm not saying that just because i boiled it myself. it DOES taste fucking good!
and there would've been much much more photos of food (considering i cook EVERY night)...but my housemate looks at me weird and laughs when i take any photos of it...and then i shy *blush*...therefore in order to foster and maintain the feelings of good will, i have resorted to taking photos only when she's not at home, or in her room, or in the shower. but the last two options are still risky, because my camera betrays me the moment i press the trigger. stupid clicky noise.
AND also...the following couple of pictures are for the girls: i saw (and tried and then subsequently bought) this corset which i personally think is mighty gorgeous! i'm completely in love with it! however, as you will soon see, i'll probably require some assistance from you
guys girls...because wearing it can be a should i put this..daunting? so, i shall need shit loads of help from you! yes you; Nikki, HY, Renren, Abby, TPL...and all the other ladies who read my blog and (will/might) go clubbing with me someday!
oh ya...and you too, mom..if none of them are around.
Isn't it gorgeous!? and now do you see why i describe it as daunting? doing up the ribbons were a bitch. but i still love it anyway. it's so English/Romantic...mmmm.