Sunday, May 13, 2007

in need of an instrument.

I miss playing the piano and the feel of my fingertips hitting the cool smooth ivory keys. I miss that moment when you hit the right notes and the sound that conjures rings with clarity. I miss visually running over crotchets and quavers and knowing that i'm unknowingly two beats ahead. I miss that euphoric feeling you get after you've had a perfect and error-free performance.

I am not the enemy.
So you say.
Sure you're not, honey.

I thought that it was gone. Honestly. I thought I had buried it deep within my subconsciousness and to never let it surface. I admit, there were times where I had a relapse or two and there were instances when I spoke to others about it. But it was unintentional and if I could forget it, I promise you I would. But it's not something you can just forget, after all, I did invest quite some time into it. And now, you've come again and taken a hold on me like you did before.

Naruto shippuuden (did I spell that right?!)

You will be my downfall!!! such perfect timing to re-enter my life too.


At 5/13/07, 5:35 PM, Blogger domesticated goddess said...

i got your msg.. cant go on msn.. BAH

anyways.. could you miss call me or sms me... i LOST your mobile number

NAD YES ill be there when you are there!


At 5/13/07, 7:18 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

you are terrible! how many times have you lost my mobile number huh? i'm beginning to doubt our friendshipt..*hmmph*

At 5/14/07, 9:08 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

wow!!! u can play naruto shippuden?!?! COOL LA Wei!!

At 5/14/07, 12:40 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

nooo..nono..i WATCHED naruto shippuden like 12 episodes straight. that's why i'm in deep trouble..because i've neglected my work..bwahahah

but i wish i could play some naruto songs too..=(

At 5/15/07, 12:07 AM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

those disgusted naruto remarks you once gave, and your now overly excited talks about it are safe with me ;P haha

At 5/15/07, 9:34 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

lol..gee..thanks for letting me know over the internet.yi


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