there are times when i feel like everyone around me is growing up and learning about the ways of the real world while i'm still stuck thinking we're all still kids. The time it really truly hit me was when you guys were talking about the stock market and all i could do was just sit back and try to make sense of it all.
because it is really scary when you guys know how to make money the adult way and i don't. and i honestly felt terribly lost when you were talking about stocks and bonds and exchange etc because i did not have a single fucking clue about what was going on. the only thing i knew was 'Unit Trust' and that's cos my mom kindly sat me down the day before and patiently explained what it was to me.
and i don't know if you knew how true your words were when you said guys guys i think we're boring mel...she looks darn blur...but they were damn true alright..!
i don't know about returns, i don't know about dividends, i don't know about investors and capital. sigh.
all i know is how to make clove-hitch knots, tie a secure hammock and catch a yabby without getting pinched by their damned claws. i know the ingredients needed to make a shot of Pink Pussy (the cat variety *koff*), i know why intertidal snails respire less in colder temperatures and i can give you a concise synopsis for The Odyssey.
but i know this is not enough. i still can't tell you what dividends are DAMNIT!
i don't think i'm ready to grow up and be an adult. i mean, godammit! i find no shame in performing out loud the shark story in Murni's! there is something quite wrong.
ahahha there is NO wrong in the baby shark song IN public OUT loud IN murni's!
don worry dear.. i also have no idea abt the stock market either...
ren: hahahaha..yea i'm off the same mentality with you..but there are others *koffxiangkoff* who beg to differ..sooooo..!
yun: hahaha! will be my partner.
I'm so with you on this. I know nothing about how the world economy works. I still blame my teacher for causing my hatred for economics when he lectured us for over an hour and then told us to summarise what he just said... every lesson.
Hope I learn a bit more by the time I'm 30 ................... hahaha
tie a secure hammock knot? scroll down a few posts mel. what happened with your hammock the other day? =p
this is for the shark song incident.
BAH!!! GRRR! my hammock was secure ok? i fell out of it.. =( my hammock didn't fall off!
i'll be your financial adviser. pay me. haha
wah! all you opportunists and vultures!
ok..if i'm in trouble, i'll come look for you.
lol. i remember i was the one talking kok about all those shares/bonds/shit ass financial instruments.
anwyay financial knowledge doesnt make u an adult. there's more than that to being an adult.
hahaha..yea? you'll probably be singing a different tune when you guys conquer wall street while i'm still mucking around with yabbies.
teach me more of this stuff when i'm in melbourne. bwahaha!
'Xiang...i just fell off my hammock and it hurts so much now >.<'
directly from the mouth of the queen (tu) herself.
way to go eugene.
WOI! like i said, the hammocks i tie are SECURE! i fell out of the hammock from my own inability to balance myself..(way to go, mel)..not as a result of the hammock coming loose or anything! even though i did fall off..(and it did HURT!!!) wasn't because my hammock was tied improperly...
hah. you will not get me that easily, pig. pfft.
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