Friday, January 28, 2005

Fruit of the Loins

Aren't babies cute? I certainly think they're the greatest... Innocent-looking-come-ere-an-give-me-a-cuddle-you-won't-mind-even-if-i-poop creatures that the Almighty God created... to give entertainment to the world...

Seriously.. i can't help myself.. i turn into some human jello and my voice goes all Sailormoon-cartoonish and gains a couple of octaves higher everytime i encounter a baby... even though i'm 19 years old.. i'm still capable of baby-talk.. well. nothing embarassing about it..

Me and Yung-yung.. acting all mommy-like... look at his grouchy lil face!!

Anyways.. what i'm trying to say is that i just encountered 2..not 1... really cute babies yesterday.. they were actually Elaine's nephews..only about 4 months old.. SO CUTE!! They're called Theng Yung (the Grouchy baby) and Wei Junn (Always looking down) .. Yung-yung and Junn-junn!! the darlingest darlingest babies i've ever seen...!! Just wanna squeeze and cuddle and cuddle and squeeze them... argh.. i'm gonna be charged with child abuse soon...

Yung-yung is a grouchy looking baby.. look at him! hahahaha.. the first time i saw him.. he was frowning and staring hard at the tv.. he's always frowning.. hahaha.. but he's face is so round.. like a moon.. little Buddha.. lil fattie..

Me and Yung-yung... the fattie lil grouchy ol small and cute!!

Junn-junn is the happy-go-lucky one.. he's the blur one.. hahaha.. easily satisfied... he's always looking down and gurgling and smiling to himself.. but his eyes are alawys trained on the floor.. looking for gold.. anyways.. while i was carrying him.. he did a poo-poo... hahahah.. i could feel the little bubbles against his diapers.. luckily there was no smell.. an experience of a lifetime..

Best picture of Junn-junn.. look at the chubby cheeks!! i think he was starting to dribble..

Me, Yung and Tammy..all cuties.. everyone of us.. see?? he's still grouchy..

Teeny tiny small face.. hahahaha.. i bet i can gobble him up... Yung-yung aah!

Later in the night.. we went to the biggest pasar malam that i've ever seen in my life.. the Connaught Pasar Malam.. see? it deserves its capital letters.. it's THAT good.. it was a girl's- night-out anyways... me, tammy, elaine and abby.. AND WE HAD FUN!! hahahaha..ate and ate at the pasar malam..(i spent nearly all my money on food..rm30 dollars worth!!!), bought some really cheap and cool earrings.. and then we went to minum at Da Chong's (encountered a spooky toilet scenario..not gonna mention it).. LATER.. we brought Tammy to see Ah Kua...

The honey rock candy man.. check out his whole big slab of hony-ed candy..!! i bought a packet.. it was so good!!

Little tiny apam baliks.. they called it taiwanese crepes.. with weird stuff inside.. quite cute though..

Hahahaha.. this needs a whole paragraph.. see... we went to check out the Ah Kuas that were haunting the streets of Kajang.. it was about 12.30 am.. anyways.. there we were.. cruising the streets in Elaine's gold Atos.. when we spotted a whole bunch of them standing at the crossroads.. it was so funny.. they were powdering their faces.. looking all pretty and stuff.. it was really cool cos some of them actually had great body shapes.. even better than mine.. DARN IT and long flowing hair.. then we went round and round the same spot always staring and ogling at them.. until they noticed us and on the 4th round.. one of them threw a packet of limau ais at the car.. with PERFECT AIM! serious shit.. that scared the shit out of everyone of us.. all we heard was this thump..

GOSH!! it was the first time i saw an agressive ah kua.. usually they're quite passive.. but anyways.. it was really a riot.. we were all laughing so hard in the car.. we couldn't stop.. when we got out, we saw a wet spot on elaine's car.. poor thing.. it's marked out... beware.. they fight back... hahahahaha...

Then tonight we went to pick up David.. my older-by-7-years cousin...

DAVID!! With his first Malaysian ais kacang..complete with ice cream..

hahaha...i'll tell you a funny story about him.. he's from Australia..born and bred there.. anyways, i went to Oz for a holiday when i was about 2+ .. and we were in some themepark la, Wonderland i think.. anyways.. here we were .. a wee lil innocent 2+ old me and David, a towering 9 year-old playing on the rides... suddenly, he decides to be a bully and didn't want to share a game with me.. well.. i did what all 2+ year-olds do.. i bit him on the tummy until it bled.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! that's the funniest.. it's the most memorable and poignant memory i have of him... always kena bully by his female cousins be they big or small... hahaha.. aaww.. but he's a nice guy.. aren't you, David?

Tip of the Day: Do not provoke Ah Kuas..

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Cock crows again...!

Here it is again.. Chinese New Year..!! hmm.. nope.. actually it's still 2 weeks away... which is quite a fair bit of time...

Me and da Tim Tam.. in front of the lurvely decor

The thing is..there's still ample time before CNY but it's all over Malaysia.. Just look around you at the shopping malls.. along the main roads leading to the cities..restaurants..houses.. CNY decorations are out full-force..

Me and ma Dad-die..check out the round face..! Similar features..wah-hoo..

One thing ironic about this whole she-bang is that some of these shops actually cash in on the festivities..(unscrupulous people!!) for example.. most chinese restaurants have already Yee-Sang on their menu..a good one month before the actual celebrations... according to tradition however.. the dish, Yee-Sang is only eaten on the 7th day of the new Lunar Year.. because on that one is allowed to kill a life to consume as food... The 7th day is the Day of life.. or something like that.. so i'm guessing that for the sake of garnering a high profit during the CNY month.. restaurants can even forgo tradition all in the name of money... sad case..
although i must admit that having Yee-Sang is pretty good.. satisfies the tummy..

Anyway..back to the story of Decor... i was at MidValley today and i must say their CNY decorations really impressed me.. it wasn't gaudy or anything but was in fact really simple.. they had these red trees set up at the centre court and had the carved wooden fans (the small types) spray-painted red and arranged on the tree in the likeness of leaves... REALLY CREATIVE!! i LOVED it... then they had these red clothes.. and they cut it out with patterns like those chinese paper cuttings kind.. really cool! not gold or cherry blossoms hanging around... just plain red with traditional chinese decorations... whoever who thought of that deserves my respect...

The fans!! So nice...

and then there was this man playing the was so good..! really really magical.. can never forget the sound of it...

The Zither Player.. with his ultra-cool black outfit

Erm.. then for lunch, i stuffed myself with condensed milk, peanut butter and cheese.. hahaha.. hear me out.. had lunch at Kim Gary's.. Hongkie restaurant.. had chicken wings with cheese then this toast with huge slabs of peanut butter smothered with condensed milk... SINFUL! it was great..!! i stuffed myself silly.. but it was worth it..

The ultimate.. Whoo hoo!!

Not only that.. me and Tammy ended up flirting with the guys manning the Lecka-lecka ice cream stall.. hahah.. ok la, maybe not flirting, but we were sampling ice-cream like there was no tomorrow.. the guys were laughing so hard.. it was fun!! Kalamansi rocks!

Look at the glorious flavours... we had kalamansi.. but the starfruit was good too..

Oh yea.. went to Petaling Street yesterday.. it wasn't a productive night for me.. that's cos i came home empty-handed... anyways.. this will be about unscrupulous people again...

Petaling street in all it's glory...The main arch..

CNY decor in full force.. Nice flowers, lanterns and Lion Head!!

wanna hear a funny story..?
There was this guy..orang putih.. he was trying to buy a handphone cover.. and he was 'bargaining' with the vendor... this was what i overheard..

Orang putih: How much is this? (gesturing at item..)
Vendor: Oh, 80 Us dollars.. (this is where you should insert your gasp)
Orang putih: What?? Too Expensive..!!
Vendor: No no..
after some haggling...
Vendor: OK, i sell it to you for 42 US dollars..
Orang putih: Ah..Erm.. ok...

HELLO?? this is malaysia!! we trade with malaysian currency.. the Ringgit Malaysia!!! and it's Petaling Street for godsakes... US dollars?? all i can say is.. poor guy... ah well.. at least it'll benefit the economic scene of Malaysia..

OH!! YEA!! my laptop came yesterday too!!! it's an Inspiron 700m from Dell.. really snazzy lil thing.. with a 12 inch widescreen and all.. it's the most high-tech gadget i've ever owned in my entire life.. and i think it'll be for the rest of my life.. i named it Melanie's Lepak Joint.. cos they told me to, when i first started the laptop...hahahaha.. pretty cool...

Melanie's Lepak Joint.. Cun~leh...?

I'm sorry.. hahah.. i've been jumping from topic to topic.. it's just that my brain's really flustered today..walked the whole of MidValley.. so TIRED!!

Saying of the Day: When in doubt, look for fake Adidas shoes.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Today..or actually.. yesterday (21/1) .. was Daniel's 19th birthday! that guy invited us all to his house for his party...pretty was actually a joint celebration birthday party cos it was Jonathan's too...

This time however, the crowd at dan's house was pretty small...not all of our classmates could make it.. those that were noticeably absent were Yan Zhen, Lichin, Jing Yao .. etc... so SAD! i thought that i would be able to meet them before we all left for our respective universities... ah well... i guess sooner or later..we'll all be Australianised.. all started with us eating.. hahaha.. and there was certainly no shortage of food and birthday cakes... there were 3 birthday cakes..which was helluva lot for only 20+ guests to finish.. ah.. but being growing children, we managed... a recap.. there was a cheese cake which i think was by courtesy of Secret Recipe .. it was the cheesy-est, mucky-est, most jelak cheese cake i've ever eaten in my entire life... the other ones were also a cheesecake (what's with it anyways??) from baker's cottage..and this chocolate cake from hunoeswhere... after my experience with the Secret Recipe Bomber.. i've vowed off cheesecakes for life..

After the food was consumed, we were entertained by American Idol 4... i swear, this was quite funny...everyone was trained on the tv...hahahah laughing at those poor people who just couldn't sing and didn't know, or didn't want to accept the fact that they couldn't sing..i'm actually quite a big fan of the Idol series.. and sometimes i really sympathize with those who tried their best but just couldn't make it.. however, i think some of the Americans have got their priorities screwed up...i mean, one of the contestants actually pawned her wedding ring just so she could join the American about being crazy! according to her..singing was her life and if she couldn't get into the show, she would die... but all the while i was thinking...wouldn't your marriage mean more to you than this show? this lady also had a kid who was about 5 years old.. what would happen if you didn't make it? i don't think she would have gotten back her wedding ring which she pawned for 200 crummy dollars... I've gotta say though, Simon's one cool fella.. his snide remarks and in-your-face comments are so true.. you can't help not laughing at those who 'didn't make it' .. you've gotta have people like that at some point in your life... someone to tell you that you suck.. if you coddle and be 'gracious' with your comments... everyone's gonna end up thinking that they're God... WAKE UP WORLD! Simon rawks..

All eyes trained on American Idol season 4... Simon's snide remarks..

Yet another faithful group of fans intent on American Idol.. was time to deal out the cards.. i'm telling you, i was on a really bad streak..i kept losing and it was downhill all the way.. i thought that i could somehow fund my way through to sydney but i ended losing about Rm about being unlucky...

Weng Yew being Banker..then he became Bankrupt

The high-rollers of S3 .. Check out the smug looks and smiles

After all these festivities, it was time for us to begone.. it was kinda sad.. cos most of us knew that we wouldn't be seeing each other anymore... for instance..Melissa will be leaving for Adelaide on 5 Feb for UniSA.. Rajes will be leaving on 9 Feb.. i'll be going on the 11th.. Dan's going on the 16th..everyone will be going going gone! oh, some others will be staying back and seeing each other.. Rich, Yihaur (tomato-lover!), Nikki and a couple more will be attending Monash Univeristy locally so that would be least they would still have each other...somehow it was really sad when everyone was about to leave and we were all taking pictures.. Hong Yin, who's studying at Inti Nilai, was particularly sad.. i think she's quite affected by Rajes leaving Malaysia... so sad! of course there were well wishes and all before we left.. i hope everyone would remember each other and that we'll all still be here for each other when we return...

Me, Yihaur and Nikkie.. 1-2-5!!

Benjamin; one of ma first friends in C25

Hong Yin, Uncle Weng, Me, the Tomato-lover and Melissa

The wheel of life turns and there's no going back..

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Old friends, new memories.

Today saw a mini reunion of the Irau watch of YAC16 2002..

hahahaha...what i mean is this, a few of us gathered today at KLCC for lunch and then a movie.. well, there was Nat, Timothy, Yee Qin aka Alien and my ever faithful sidekick cum cousin, Tammy.

A pic of us at Madame Kwan's; Me, the ever-lovely Nat, Tim and Yee Qin

It was really great seeing all of them again, especially Nat, cos she went to the USA last year as an exchange student...if i'm not mistaken, i think she said that she was in Connecticut for 6 months and then she moved to New Hampshire for the remaining 6. anyway, i thought she would be pretty changed.. i mean, a whole year in America should do something to you, but no.. she was still the same old nat that i knew from before, so that was really reassuring... hahaha.. i was bracing myself for the american accent.. but nope.. it's still the same Nat accent alright.. she was one of the girls in camp whom i was closest with.. hahahah.. still remember the trips me and poh leng took to her house for the Hari Raya open houses... smashing cakes and cookies...

Then, there's Timothy, who's still the same old Timothy, except that his hair has grown so much longer... hahahah.. still the same funny guy..and Alien's still Alien.. quiet and observant...just watching all of us gab away.. hahahah.. really missed them.

The thing is.. now we're all much more subdued.. i think it's cos we haven't actually seen each other for a long time that there's a sort of gap between us.. before me and nat were pretty close..but today there's just this sense of awkwardness around us.. hahaha.. pretty weird...

Another shot..this time we're all more serious, eh?

Why do people change when there's no interaction between them for some time? Is it really true that 'Tak kenal maka tak cinta' ?? Whatever happened to 'Abscence makes your heart grow fonder' ?? it's kinda sad when you see friends slowly becoming strangers... not that i'm saying we're strangers.. it's just that we're not so close-knit as before anymore... i'm just hoping that when i'm in Sydney and i come back to Malaysia, things like these won't happen between me and my friends..

Let there be opened arms and wide smiles greeting me forever!!

Oh yea.. this is totally off the line and it's just something i read in a book.. it's really beautiful and it would certainly explain and answer the universal question of why girls are more matured than boys. Savour this...

"All women have to watch men fail and fall. This is why we were made older an wiser, before we are born. For ours is a task of the world, to create and bear new life, and afterward to endure it's every pain."

I think this speaks volumes of truth...

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I want my hair back!!

Today.. i did the silliest thing imaginable.. ok maybe it wasn't that silly.. but to me now.. it is.. quite..actually.. VERY..

i had my hair cut.. yep.. that's all about it.. i had my hair cut.. now i regret it.

for the past few weeks.. i've been wanting to have a trim before i leave for sydney .. my cousins were telling me that the price for getting a haircut there is 3 times the price here .. so definitely me being the scrooge of the family, i had to get my hair done la.

sitting in front of the mirror at the hairdresser's was really scary.. he walked in and fastened his belt; containing all his scissors and gadgetries, around his waist and turned to me and started jabbering away in mandarin. it turns out that Mr Siao Chai is Taiwanese and mandarin's his mother you can imagine a Melanie Ho sitting there trying to comprehend what he was saying and trying to describe to him what kinda cut i wanted..luckily for me, Elaine was there.. she was my translator.. without her, i think the damage would've been worse.

without further ado..Mr Siao Chai took the liberty os snipping off my fringe first with a great big *SCHNIAP* it was a cross between a *snip* and a *schapp*

from then was just all the way through.. my became shorter and shorter..moving away from the original picture of just a simple trim .. the finished product was a much shorter and layered hairdo that really reminds me of Chihiro's haircut from Spirited Away (at least that's what my cuz said)

the thing is .. hairdresser's don't normally do what the customers want them to do .. they follow their own instincts .. which can turn out to be pretty bad sometimes..actually..make that all of the time.. Mr Siao Chai knew that i wanted it least still in keeping with my original length .. and he even cut out a bit at first to reassure me of the length of the trim he's about to make .. but i guess being in control of the scissors had a profound effect on him and he forgot about the trim and moved on to the drastic-change mode..ok..maybe not drastic change..but HEY!! it still looks pretty drastic to me!

Final Products: Tammy, Elaine and Me .. Check out how straight my hair is!!

ah well.. for now.. i'm just gonna go to sleep and hopefully when i wake whole outlook about the new hair-do will change..PUH-LEEZE!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Post-Genting #2 for me .. my page still doesn't look as good as Dan's .. ah well.. i try ..

Anyway .. i just came back from Genting .. just to escape the heat and also to bring my cousin, Tammy who's from Australia, up. She's never been there before .. i couldn't believe it and so did my parents .. but lots of funny things happen in this world .. that's what makes life interesting ..

Went there yesterday (saturday) and came back today .. i was actually supposed to go with some of my OB friends but that plan didn't turn out cos a lot of them couldn't make it .. Karen was there .. she was taking part in this race called Trailblazers and we were supposed to go and give moral, mental and physical suppport to her .. well .. i guess without our support she still did smashingly well!! CONGRATULATIONS! if you can read this ..

Sorry .. i got diverted .. well, the story was like this .. we reached the peak at about 6 .. then we just lepak-ed in the room until 8 .. went to First World to shop .. (kida silly i thought .. going all the way to Genting just to shop) .. then the next day i didn't even get to go into the themepark cos Tammy simply refused to get on any of the rides and there was no point for us to go in if it was only me .. yes .. that's my sad story .. so essentially .. we didn't do anything in Genting ..

except this funny bit that happened .. my dad wanted to try out the Genting Skyway cos i was telling him all about the ride down to Gohtong Jaya .. so we were all prepared to go in when we were stopped by the authorities .. see, my mom, Tam and I were eating ice-cream .. so we had to hurry up with the ice-cream and when we were done .. my dad went to buy the tix .. but it turns out that we had to pay the full price for the return tickets which was at RM8 instead of the houseguest price which was at RM4 .. it seems the time for the 'promotion' ended .. so my dad was all like,

"i'm not gonna pay double to sit the ride .. let's go"

then the next morning when we were leaving and already making our way down to gohtong jaya when he said,

"we didn't do anything .. let's just take the skyway up and then down again"

and we bought the return tix at the same price as it was up there the other night .. RM8 ..
all the fuss for nothing ...

kinda silly i thought ..

oh well.. this is getting a bit boring .. i'm just gonna go explore this page and see what else i can do with it ..

Compliments from Meet the Fockers ..

~Melanie .. out~

Friday, January 14, 2005

..Just testing..


Yes, i'm finally conforming to what society deems is a healthy past-time .. Blogging! Since everyone is doing it these days .. heck .. i'll just jump into the band wagon..

Well .. i'll be going to Sydney and for my frens who just happens to feel bored, or have nothing else better to do, or maybe they're just plain concerned about me and want to check up on me .. well .. you can come here to see how i'm progressing (if not floundering) in the Great Oz ..

To all Flowers for Algernon readers .. treat this as my 'Progris Repot' ..

oh yea .. don't expect this page to be super up-to-date or funky .. i don't know nuts about html codings .. so there won't be flashing lights here ..