Saturday, January 22, 2005


Today..or actually.. yesterday (21/1) .. was Daniel's 19th birthday! that guy invited us all to his house for his party...pretty was actually a joint celebration birthday party cos it was Jonathan's too...

This time however, the crowd at dan's house was pretty small...not all of our classmates could make it.. those that were noticeably absent were Yan Zhen, Lichin, Jing Yao .. etc... so SAD! i thought that i would be able to meet them before we all left for our respective universities... ah well... i guess sooner or later..we'll all be Australianised.. all started with us eating.. hahaha.. and there was certainly no shortage of food and birthday cakes... there were 3 birthday cakes..which was helluva lot for only 20+ guests to finish.. ah.. but being growing children, we managed... a recap.. there was a cheese cake which i think was by courtesy of Secret Recipe .. it was the cheesy-est, mucky-est, most jelak cheese cake i've ever eaten in my entire life... the other ones were also a cheesecake (what's with it anyways??) from baker's cottage..and this chocolate cake from hunoeswhere... after my experience with the Secret Recipe Bomber.. i've vowed off cheesecakes for life..

After the food was consumed, we were entertained by American Idol 4... i swear, this was quite funny...everyone was trained on the tv...hahahah laughing at those poor people who just couldn't sing and didn't know, or didn't want to accept the fact that they couldn't sing..i'm actually quite a big fan of the Idol series.. and sometimes i really sympathize with those who tried their best but just couldn't make it.. however, i think some of the Americans have got their priorities screwed up...i mean, one of the contestants actually pawned her wedding ring just so she could join the American about being crazy! according to her..singing was her life and if she couldn't get into the show, she would die... but all the while i was thinking...wouldn't your marriage mean more to you than this show? this lady also had a kid who was about 5 years old.. what would happen if you didn't make it? i don't think she would have gotten back her wedding ring which she pawned for 200 crummy dollars... I've gotta say though, Simon's one cool fella.. his snide remarks and in-your-face comments are so true.. you can't help not laughing at those who 'didn't make it' .. you've gotta have people like that at some point in your life... someone to tell you that you suck.. if you coddle and be 'gracious' with your comments... everyone's gonna end up thinking that they're God... WAKE UP WORLD! Simon rawks..

All eyes trained on American Idol season 4... Simon's snide remarks..

Yet another faithful group of fans intent on American Idol.. was time to deal out the cards.. i'm telling you, i was on a really bad streak..i kept losing and it was downhill all the way.. i thought that i could somehow fund my way through to sydney but i ended losing about Rm about being unlucky...

Weng Yew being Banker..then he became Bankrupt

The high-rollers of S3 .. Check out the smug looks and smiles

After all these festivities, it was time for us to begone.. it was kinda sad.. cos most of us knew that we wouldn't be seeing each other anymore... for instance..Melissa will be leaving for Adelaide on 5 Feb for UniSA.. Rajes will be leaving on 9 Feb.. i'll be going on the 11th.. Dan's going on the 16th..everyone will be going going gone! oh, some others will be staying back and seeing each other.. Rich, Yihaur (tomato-lover!), Nikki and a couple more will be attending Monash Univeristy locally so that would be least they would still have each other...somehow it was really sad when everyone was about to leave and we were all taking pictures.. Hong Yin, who's studying at Inti Nilai, was particularly sad.. i think she's quite affected by Rajes leaving Malaysia... so sad! of course there were well wishes and all before we left.. i hope everyone would remember each other and that we'll all still be here for each other when we return...

Me, Yihaur and Nikkie.. 1-2-5!!

Benjamin; one of ma first friends in C25

Hong Yin, Uncle Weng, Me, the Tomato-lover and Melissa

The wheel of life turns and there's no going back..


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