Week 31: It's the last day on Earth!
so, yesterday i woke up to what i thought was the end of the world. you know how, even though you have your eyes shut, when you look into a light source or the sun, you 'see' this orange glow through your eyelids? perhaps see isn't the best word to describe it, it is that warm orangey glow you SENSE.
so anyway, i was asleep and for some reason, i could sense this orangey fuzziness in my dreams and opened my eyes blearily at around 6 am. what i saw outside my window was the most WHAT THE FUCK moment of my life. everything outside was orange I KID YOU NOT. it felt like i was on the set of Dune or some other low-budget sci-fi movie (HAHA ok la Dune was pretty awesome - apologies to all Dune fans out there).
and so, there i was, laying in bed, staring outside my window and going what the fuck over and over again. however, even pseudo-apocalyptic events such as these didn't warrant enough clout to make me get out of bed, take a photo and therein record the event for future referencing. after about 30 seconds of wtf-ing, i went back to sleep, because, armageddon or no armageddon, sleep takes top priority.
therefore, the pictures that you see here will have been shamelessly stolen by me from the great interweb. what actually happened was that there was a freak sandstorm that blew into pretty much the whole area of New South Wales up to Brisbane covering everything in a thin layer of red dust.
to those people whose photos i stole, if you're reading this, I REALLY APPRECIATE THEM and they're gorgeous.
i shall now prophesise that:
1. the New South Wales car wash industry will experience an infinity-times increase in business. seriously, there has not been a single car that i saw that is not covered in red earth.
2. Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists all around the country will have their 5-minutes of fame for having faithfully proclaimed that the coming of the end of the world is nigh. IN YOUR FACE, NON-BELIEVERS!
3. tomorrow, i will STILL be blowing my nose and discovering that there's red dust on the tissue. i slept with my windows opened the day the world ended and was too lazy to wake up to shut it. to be fair, i didn't know what was happening because if i'd known that it was actually really fine-grained particles of dust, i would've so totally shut it. FML. no i totally deserved that.