Week 11: Grander scheme of things.
if you read newspapers or watch the nightly news programme, you should know that myanmar was recently hit by a cyclone which has pretty much devastated the country. and then, there was also the earthquake in china which happened mere days apart from the first tragedy. so much devastation in such a short time.
so there i was eating my dinner in front of the telly watching the 9.30 world news on SBS and watching the scenes in myanmar unfold, when i was suddenly struck by this overwhelming realisation: here i was sitting with my legs folded up on my lumpy yet comfy couch, eating from a bowl of maggi curry (imported from malaysia - the good stuff) et egg, watercress and tofu-pok (my maggi meals are healthy like that) while at the same time my mind is comprehending images of children dead and floating in the waters in myanmar! and $2 says that they're not only shown dead on telly but they are, at that very moment, dying back there!
if that doesn't put shit into perspective, then i don't think anything will. then i started muttering pianissimo to myself random stuff like 'fuck urchins, what are you doing here BIGGER THINGS ARE AT STAKE!' and then i began to wonder what the consequences would be like if i up and went and told maria that i wanted to put my honours on hold and join Caritas Australia so that i could be a volunteer in myanmar. what would my parents say if i suddenly turned up in front of E112 with a mercy band around my arm going, hey man..i'm back but i'm heading off to myanmar..just to let you know.
would they start screaming at me? or would they pat me on the back?
i mean, what is climate change compared to this?! ok climate change is very important and will have devastating long-term effects but i mean, it's gonna be in the long term whereas the aftermath of this cyclone is now. NOW! that should be first priority right?
ahh..i just realised all the above was just pointless rambling which will ultimately lead to one conclusion i.e. it will be another day for me and the urchins at the byrne lab. sigh...why do i even bother?
. . .
right. ok. let's all just be honest here la ok? in your opinion, do you think i swear too much? and if you answered yes to the first question, does it put you off? i mean, do you go tsktsk each time you chance upon the word fuck littered about my posts? and if you answered yes again (!!!), do you think i should cut back on the swearing because, i mean, we all know what society thinks about girls who swear too much...and it's not good thoughts.
ok la, i need feedback! if you think it's fine and it doesn't bother you, then i won't give a fuck. but if it does, then some soul-searching and reflecting will probably be required on my part. so let me know, cos too many people have been saying that i swear too much BUT they don't say if they're offended or not. it's like, yea you swear a lot now...*crickets chirping in the background*. not helpful at all.