ATTENTION EVERYBODEE!!!i'm now officially a happy
HAPPY girl.. i think technology loves me after all...WHeeEE!! should've been able to guess what's happened by now...if you didn't, well, shame on you, and you say you're my hoo.
ANYWAYS! i've finally managed to view the 150th episode of Naruto!!! Praise the Lord..!! came home straight away after uni and went online again...i was adamant that i'd be able to download the damn thing
AND watch it...nothing can stop me! nothing can come between me and my Naruto!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!
and yes! someone above must've been touched by my apparent efforts and devotion and so YES! i've just finished watching NARUTO! you
CANNOT begin to imagine how i felt when i heard the opening theme song play....i was just...thankful...yes...
THANKFUL! for the first time, the 7th opening song actually sounded BEAUTIFUL to my ears!! when it started to play...all i could think of was...
"OH YeS!!!"and exhilaration lasted only 20 minutes! damn it! i'm so SO used to watching naruto episodes back-to-back because of the i've gotta wait...
AND!! i managed to find the dumb Data Analysis thingy on Excel too!! and i've finished my draft!!! happy happy! the world's smiling upon me again!!...don't ask me how i found it...i'm too embarassed..just leave it at that..
OOOooohhHH... this is gonna be harder than i thought...
oh..and i've gotta tell you something really creepy...yucks..still creeping me out.
today, when i was at the bus-stop waiting for the bus to come home..lo and behold came this old man and pushed his way in between me and this other short..cutting the queue la...but since he was old..(i think like 60+ or 70) we didn't say anything.
THEN..! he suddenly turned around and started chatting me up...i swear, he's either greek or italian...anyways..yea, he asked me a lot of general questions, like..was i studying here, where am i from, how long am i gonna be here..stuff like that..
so yea, here i was thinking .. 'another lonely old man with no grandchildren to occupy his time' when suddenly he asked me if i wanted to have a cup of coffee with him..
WTF????politely..i yea, he left it off and started asking other what i did when i got home, do i study, what am i studying...then suddenly, there he went again...
"are you sure you don't want coffee?"
WTMF?????once again..' no thanks..*polite smile*...
silence... then suddenly...
"Why not?""erm..sorry, i don't drink coffee..""Oh, you don't need to drink coffee, you can have something else..""oh no..i'm fine...thanks for asking..""come on...let's go for coffee..""No. Thank you."by this patience was already wearing thin...i could see the man before me (the one whom this old guy cut us off) start to get wary at where the conversation was leading to, and was keeping an eye out for me...THANK YOU KIND MAN!
GASP!! *shock horror* what WERE you thinking, old man??anyways...after lengths of repeatingly declining his 'invitation'...suddenly a saviour came... YES! it was
UNCLE RICKY!! YAY!! thank god for him....when i saw him, i said BYE to the old man and started chatting up with uncle ricky..trying not to make eye contact with the old dude...
WARGH!! thank god uncle ricky was there...i dread to think what would've happened if i got on the bus alone and he insisted on sitting beside me..*shudders* ... don't even want to think about it. and the thing is, i have NOT seen him on the bus before...and trust me..i know about 90% of the people who take the bus now...cos it's such a selected few...
anyways...i was wondering if he was trailing me..and then i got paranoid...all the while on the bus i was begging that he'd get off any stop before mine...but it didn't happen...when my stop loomed ahead...i was
DAMN PARANOID LIKE SHIT! i was thinking of what i'd do
IF he did get off at my stop...should i walk with uncle ricky..? should i tell uncle ricky? should i run..? fark...can't i even outrun an old man..?!
anyways..yea, when i got off...he didn't follow...but i could see him from the window and he kept staring..and not in a good way...YARGH!! giving me the creeps now..
and as i was walking back, i kept glancing behind to see if anyone/ him was following...i'm telling you...that few minutes on the walk back home really made a wreck outta me..i was
TOTALLY PARANOiD...not good.
what's with old men and Sydney?? GEEZ!! at least the old dude on the bus before (old old post) was nice...this one was just...creepy...urgh...
anyone who's thinking now that i'm such an unfriendly bitch and that he's just trying to be friendly...WELL...i've just got one thing to say...YOU WEREN'T THERE! be quiet. NO ONE... especially not an old man would INSIST that you have coffee with him...when it's obvious that we were going home...
now...tell me....why couldn't he have been this handsome tall white guy about my age?????