5-minute Quickie.
just a quick update to wish everyone a happy chinese new year (if i've not already done so in person HAHA!).
the laptop has been down for the past week and a half now...the adaptor blew. which doesn't make sense cos aren't adaptors built for the sole purposes of now blowing?! anyway, until i get a new one, i shall not be going online (unless i'm leaching off someone else's, like nikki's here, for eg.).
and frankly, i've got no desire to blog at the moment because being back home, driving down familiar roads and smelling and tasting ALL THINGS GOOD is quite overwhelming and my senses can only take THAT much. but the weirdest thing is, i've got so many things to write about that i might have to backlog them. ah.
anyway, i've only got a month left here (actually less than a month) so i'm gonna make damn good use of it damn it!