Chai Boys.
Just came to a realisation that my nephews had very little (actually, close to none) airtime on my blog this year around. Some overdue photos...fuck, they've grown. Especially the little one. A reminder of my fleeting existence. indeed.

Yup...we were trying to be funny. Or as some *koff* people might put it:
Auntie Melanie Being A Bad Influence On Children.
OMG we're so KIUT!

The littlest one has grown to be very VERY head strong. So head strong and stubborn that it scares me sometimes...just because of the tantrums he throws and I find myself not knowing what to do. I mean, should I spank him? Should I walk away? Should I plead and cajole and beg him to stop OMG-he's-making-my-head-hurt-someone-stop-him-from-crying-PLEASE!?!
sheesh one's ever put me into a spot like that.
he refuses to be carried and wants to walk by himself. a sign of independance, very good indeed. however, he walks sososo SLOW that by the time we catch up with everyone, it's already tomorrow. and i may look like i'm carrying him in that last pic above, but it's only through my well-honed arts of bribery/dangling-a-carrot (so to say, in this case, it was my Canon Digital IXUS 800IS) that i managed to actually pick him up without having my eyeballs scratched out.
head-strong child. it's freaky how that trait runs in the family...*koffkoff*.

The family.

Yup...and so last week was Josh's 7th birthday. ZOMG that little brat is already 7!!! I still remember when he was only a few months old...wiggling his bum to music and spewing regurgitated milk all down my shoulder!
He's practically 10 and I'm......getting old. Sigh.
His birthday cake was really yummy though. Thankfully we didn't have to bake a special one-of-a-kind cake for him this year. Or rather, my cousin didn't have to.
Crap. They're all grown up now.