Spring is here!
Today is beautiful. Today is so warm, I can walk around without needing a jacket and not feel the chill of winter at all. Today, it’s as though all traces of winter is GONE!
For some strange reason, as I was walking to work today, I had a feeling that it would be a good day. Not in a corny, ‘I’ve got a feeling’ way, mind you, but an actual, ‘Hey, this might turn out to be a Good Day!’ kind of way. On the way to work, around the backstreets of Glebe, I picked up a 10 cent coin and it felt warm in my fingers, I guess from lying on the tar road under the sun for a while.
Then, as I crossed the footbridge, I saw Bill, the Big Issue guy and bought a magazine from him. Although this act caused me to violate my own $20-till-Friday Rule ($20-till-Friday: in essence, keeping a $20 note in your wallet from Friday to Friday – not as easy as it seems and has resulted in my having tuna sandwiches for lunch for 3 consecutive days). However, I thought it was violated for a good cause because the Big Issue Magazines is sold by the homeless and unemployed and aims to help them on with life by providing means for earning an income and interacting with the mainstream community (totally ripped that off from the first page of the magazine, on the About section). As I was talking to Bill, under the shade of a tree with the warm sun shining through the leaves, we both came to a conclusion that today was a really nice day.
Later, I walked over to Blackburn to sign a new contract (yup, I’m currently employed as a lab technician in a pathology lab until I leave for Antarctica again…yes, ANTARCTICA AGAIN!) and the HR lady was so nice to me; she said, I’ll see you on Monday, and I knew she meant it (perhaps her eagerness to see me on Monday is because she knows she doesn’t have to change the staining solutions for histology slides anymore; but who cares??).
I’m not usually a superstitious person, but somehow this day just kept getting better and better and I thought, surely, SURELY, judging by how this day is going, the only thing that can top it is getting my tax returns back? A quick check with CommBank and, wahey, guess who’s richer by a lot, baybeh??
That’s right, Maw’Frockersssssssssss, I am no longer a poor, destitute and money-desperate young-working-adult anymore! Now, if only I can get an email from DIMIA telling me that my PR visa application has been approved, I can die happy.