Saturday, November 11, 2006

Freshwater fishes have very dilute urine.

outwardly, i may often lament about my current single status to all and sundry and whoever who will listen to me. and in a very tragic way, mind you.

but inwardly, i'm actually not bothered about it because the freedom that comes with singledom knows no bounds. basically, i don't care la.

BUT sub-inwardly, *sigh* i think i actually do.

the female gender is very complicating indeed. or maybe it's just me. more concisely, i never knew i was capable of having so many layers. whoa, revelation.

often when i see couples walking down george or pitt street hand-in-hand in typical giddy lovey-dovey fashion, my right cerebral hemisphere goes all "AAAaaawww.." but my left cerebral hemisphere emits this banshee-like screech and goes "WAAAAAAT YUUUUUUU AAAWWWWW-IINGGGG AAAAAT? YUUUUUUUU DUNNNNNNNN HAAAAAAVVV OSOOOOO!!!!" at which point it promptly brain-butts my right cerebral hemisphere with its cerebral know, reason above the rest.

*great internal battle ensues*

it gets especially worrying when all the guys that i've become remotely interested in throughout the year can't seem to stay in one place long enough for me to want to invest in something that would become a profit. there they are, dangling the carrot - as an example here; not that i am a fan of carrots - making everything look all rosy and peachey and POSSIBLE. and then BAM i leave; they leave; someone leaves.

the only way i can describe the feeling is this:

it's like, you see the bus that you have to catch to's waiting at the bus-stop but you're at the opposite side of the street, waiting for the lights to turn green so you can cross the road. the lights don't turn green and you're left standing on the sidewalk praying that the bus waits for you. and then, EXCELLENT! the lights change, the bus is still at the bus-stop and you RUN OVER AS FAST AS YOU CAN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT! Hooray! the bus is still there..! just 10 metres more! and as you're running that very last 10 metres, the bus pulls away from the sidewalk and all you're left with is a million parts per million of carbon monoxide.

yup, you're standing there...on the sidewalk...with your books in one hand and your travel10 card in another - because you were so CERTAIN that you could board the bus, see - and your slingbag across your shoulder staring into the distance.

is this karma? *sigh* yes, i think this is karma.

and what's even MORE worrying is when my mom goes..'eh girl, no boyfriend ar? i think it's about time you took a look around.'

AND EVEN MORE SO when she goes..'eh, we're going for a holiday la, ask xxx to come along la.'


it's karma. it HAS to be karma.


At 11/11/06, 10:36 PM, Blogger archobyz said...

damn it. we're so... kesian. sigh

At 11/12/06, 12:24 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

lol..what you talking about la? you mean you suffering from the same case too?

At 11/12/06, 3:39 PM, Blogger ..kAixin.. said...

haha i know that feeling. u tot yeah 'he is gonna be the one. finally i found him' then the next thing u know his gone. and ur still here unwilling to believe

At 11/12/06, 5:04 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...


At 11/12/06, 10:39 PM, Blogger galnexdor said...

darn u mel, u just typed my blog post for today...heh. except in my case it would've been more like the bus have already left, ive stared at the timetable for hours on end knowing that THAT WAS the LAST bus and its not coming back again. and yet there i stand...waiting...for GOD KNOWS WHAT

my are we pathetic...

At 11/12/06, 11:20 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha..i was actually gonna put that in..but then i realised..NO!! must be more OPTEEEMEEESTIIIK!

hahahaha..but yea..sometimes..we give ourselves a bad name. sigh.


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