Week 17: Why kids these days have too much time on their hands
breaking news! this just in! i thought i had to, just HAD to commit this down to writing and have it kept in the annals of history of this blog because it's something that doesn't come about every other day!
anyway, my dad rang me this morning to inform me that...JENGJENGJENG...my high school got burnt down! there i've said it! however, it is suspected to be the work of arsons and not a mere accident gone horribly wrong. and how can it NOT be the work of arsonists if you take into account that the buildings razed were the staffrooms (filled with exam papers and answers) - number 1 enemy territory of the student masses.
i admit, i've never developed a liking for the staffroom in all my secondary student life. in fact, i detested each time i was called to the staffroom (which was not very often, praise be to God), even the very act of having to send exercise books to the teacher's table would send my eyes rolling to high heavens just because i hated having to repeat, 'Slamat tengari, cikgu' to every teacher i meet in there.
HOWEVER. i didn't hate it enough to want to burn the damned thing down!
kids these days, no patience or moral decency whatsoever. yes, this is a question of morality too because Pendidikan Moral taught us about Kesederhanaan ie. Bersikap tidak keterlaluan dalam membuat pertimbangan atau kelakuan. and if you didn't learn anything from those long moral lessons you had to sit through each week, well, may God save your soul because nothing else will.
God damn kids these days really are useless... I tell them to do this in class, and they do something else in the exam. JREIGDSJFS FDSNASSASAS!!! Then they blame their bad marks on me, the tutor.
Haih, seriously, these kids are hopeless... just round them up and shove them to jail!!!
waik: ah, how did your stint as a tutor turn out? well, kids are dense like super extra wholegrain bread so there's nothing we can do about it. my heart bleeds for how they will turn out in future.
dom: eh so how bad was the kebakaran?
wah baby u so concern eh??? smkjb sure bangga to have had u as a student...hahaha
LAP OUT LOUD! of course la my alma mater ma. i still hold the memory of karen sticking her hand into my pocket and rummaging around until she found my digimon and took it away, very close to my heart.
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