Friday, June 05, 2009

Week 15: How well do you know me?

if you didn't already know (but i think most of you do, and, in saying so, have already done), there's a quiz on facebook testing the quiz-takers on how well they know me. the results, i should say, was pretty dismal. and this is where i cast a disapproving look on all of you who took it (except 2).

disapproving look.

the mean score was 49.2%, which, in any normal educational institution (apart from malaysia) equates to a FAIL. that's right. it seems that i'm an enigma even to some of my closest friends. in light of this, i'd set my passing score at 75% (because i demand high quality results - nothing short of excellence) and only 2 people made the cut (baby and zingi - got surprise for you guys!).

however, as all quizzes go, somes issues were brought up, primarily that the quiz was flawed in some aspects. take Question 1, for example:

If all the following fell into the ocean, which would i rescue?
a. A million dollars
b. Ratatouille
c. Teen Guang Wei
d. My two heart-shaped pillows
e. My iPod

one quiz-taker argued that it would come down to either Teen Guang Wei (henceforth known as TGW) or my pillows. this is because, and i quote, "You are not money-minded so a million dollars is not important to you", which i duly took as a compliment (although, if i did see a million dollars floating in the sea, i'd most probably jump in for that, only and only if, there was nothing else). also, he argued, i most certainly wouldn't save Ratatouille on the account that it is a stinking filthy rat, and an iPod can be bought over again; after all, the songs are still safe within iTunes. so, through the process of elimination, it came down to either TGW or my pillows. and this is where he argued fervently (and i do commend his efforts) that, since pillows were inanimate objects while TGW was a living breathing person, i would definitely save TGW.

this matter is still being contested. but anyone who's anyone who truly KNOWS me, would know that my pillows are my life. hence, controversy arose.

anyway, the results saddens me greatly. i thought i have always been very transparent about myself and everything else that concerns me. i guess i was wrong.

yes, i'm looking at you, Elaine Yap YL.

p.s. on another note, does any of you think you're someone's favourite person? i saw this video on youtube the other day and it's been stirring some heavy thinking in me. am i anyone's favourite person? frankly, i don't think so. i'd like to say, my mom or dad, but i'm sure that their favourite persons are each other. and then, i was trying to think through my list of friends, but i'm not narcissistic or deluded enough to think that i'm possibly the favourite person of any of them. so perhaps, i am my own favourite person? after all, self-preservation is the greatest love of all. hmmm.

on that note, are you person 1, 2 or 3?


At 6/5/09, 1:45 PM, Blogger galnexdor said...

i think i am nobody's favourite person either. =(

At 6/6/09, 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby!!! hoot hoot another surprise?? this time i really want a superhot aussie dude...HAHAHA

eh eh...TGW oso can be replaced wat but getting the same heart shaped pillow....hmmmm


At 6/7/09, 3:02 PM, Blogger 20 said...

eh eh i no understand la. why me?

At 6/7/09, 3:05 PM, Blogger 20 said...

didn't i get the answer right? teen guang wei can scream for help but ur pillows can't! i don't even know what i'm talking about

At 6/10/09, 10:17 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

ren: =( never mind la at least we'll be sisters in arms together as no one's favourite person.

baby: hahaha bodoh la engkau..! how am i supposed to sumbat a super hot aussie guy into the mail for you? why not i give you the one that you and elaine kecoh2 over yg cium i tu? you want? i give you.

elaine: i was looking at you because you FAILED in my quiz celaka betul. i was expecting you to get high marks ok!? but ok la i give you a bonus mark for saying that tgw can call for help but not my pillows hence the pillows more important. good point good point.


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