Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 12: WHOA new banner!

there's a new banner up! it's been nearly a year since i've had the old multi-coloured cubed one and a lot has happened since then so i thought i might as well change it.

the colour scheme is probably less 'noisy' than the old one as there's only mainly blues, yellows and reds. the pictures were taken during one of my last nights in kajang earlier this year and the subject of each thumbnail is probably explanatory enough of what went on. all things aside, i'd rate that night as one of the best nights of my life. reasons being: small group of really good friends and alcohol. hilarity would then ensue on its own accord. and trust me, there was much hilarity to be had that night.


can't wait to see you guys soon! ok perhaps not so soon, because everything's relative after all. p.s. tell me if you like this new banner or if you fucking hate it (yes, you can say 'i fucking hate it mel' and i won't get angry - but must put name ok!? don't be a stranger) because i'm open to comments.


At 5/17/09, 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new banner is SUPER!!!!!!!!!! i like it...nice one baby!!

At 5/18/09, 10:34 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...


At 5/19/09, 2:10 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

ur banner always looks good my dear =) this one is no exception!

At 5/19/09, 11:31 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...



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