Thursday, May 11, 2006

This is giving me the shits.

I don't know my visa number. the only proof i have to show that i'm currently residing in Australia LEGALLY is a two-piece-A4-paper stapled together. and it's crinkled and folded. it doesn't even say anything about my visa application. the only thing relevant written on it is a Transaction Reference Number. MY transaction reference number.

Which is currently as helpful to me as a fork is helpful to someone who just sat down at the table to drink soup. campbell soup. nice hot steamy bowl of campbell's mushroom soup.

I tried..Ok? i tried.

I got all motivated, whipped out my passport, logged on to the Australian Immigration Department website to apply for the work visa, was all happy and shit thinking "Finally i get to earn some money to buy myself the Paul Frank/Adidas parka." and not to mention, extra pocket money for when i'm back home.

In accordance to the strong upheld tradition that is the Australian Immigration Department, i got jack-shit for my efforts. the website emphasises on all things that can possibly go wrong with your application, tells you that you can only pay by credit card and threatens to deport you to the Villawood Detention Centre if they think you smell shifty. Ok..i made the last bit up. but hey..they did say something to that extent.

So they wanted my visa number. great. i'll give you my visa number. just wait a minute there, i've gotta go dig through the millions of tabs and links in your well-organised website. hang in might take awhile.

Aahh..jack-shit..sorry. i still can't find it. it seems that there's no possible way to retrieve my visa number. the only seemingly-likely tab that i clicked on that might be the doorway to me earning australian bucks informed me with a sheepish grin.."the system is currently down".

Great. Just great.

I tried..OK? I tried.

in all earnest-ness..i really wanted to get my work visa done. really. i need the cash. i need it SOO bad. and i know i'm a sell-out to consumerism because the main cause for this sudden urge to find money stems from the knowledge that there's an AUD160-/AUD180- jacket waiting for me in Myer. it depends how much i earn..i might end up getting both.

God damn it already...WHAT'S MY VISA NUMBER???


At 5/11/06, 1:27 AM, Blogger Oil Central said...

I thought you only need the TRN?

Anyway, you should apply for the working visa with help from your uni's International Student Services.

At 5/11/06, 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

halo! haha, i had da same prob last time. i tink i had to go to DIMIA to retrieve my visa # 1st. it's a 10digit #. mebbe u can call them! n after dat, u do it on9 lah! mine was approved in less than 1 hr. hehehe...n others took abt 3 weeks to b approved bcoz they did it in person...yah...i noe...tis on9 applications r simply ridiculous...haha, hope it helps!

At 5/11/06, 9:50 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

thanks so much!

yea..i was gettin damn frustrated trying to hunt for that damned number. and waiking, we need both a working permit and a trn..

At 5/12/06, 2:33 PM, Blogger archobyz said...

it's ur trn la...if u dun have a credit card then make an appointment and go apply it at the DIMIA office using the forms la. i did mine like that coz I CAN'T APPLY ONLINE coz i changed my course halfway. but yeah, you can do it the old-fashioned way.


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