Friday, April 28, 2006


Sometimes, i think i'm just too darned smug and too cock-sure about myself and my work for my own good. it happens all the time when i lapse into what i call 'my comfort zone' where my brain tells me to 'stop working so hard because the current standard of your work is enough to propel you forwards'..

scenarios such as the aforementioned have occurred throughout my years of education, and it shows no signs of stopping...what more, it seemed to have increased in leaps and bounds since the past year. it's the whole aussie attitude towards education. they don't really care about grades, so indirectly it affects me as well.

i care less about my grades than i really ought to, but i care more about my grades than they do about their grades... therefore, by applying Occam's Razor (i.e. the law of parsimony to phylogenists), i am a slacker who's too darned smug for her own good.

the reason for this sudden change of heart is the marks that i received for a certain report. according to my normal standards of grading marks, whereby a pass is sufficient, i should be well satisfied and maybe even ecstatic over it. however, what i felt was just a mild case of disappointment. my smug little mind told me to expect something GREAT...but what was handed back to me was only something GOOD. hence the lack in euphoria.

sigh...i guess it wasn't a great idea to slack off together with the Aussies after all. i should now learn that i should not bank upon my superior *cough* pre-university education provided by the malaysian education system and also the 11-month hiatus in Taylor''s just not enough. maybe it is enough. but i don't think it's enough for me anymore.

i'm out for the kill, dammit! i'm a changed woman from tonight!


At 4/29/06, 9:36 AM, Blogger domesticated goddess said...

honey, rest assured.. there was no hint of nerdiness nor kiasuness in your post

At 4/29/06, 12:51 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

nah..i'm not worried about being nerdy or kiasu...

At 4/29/06, 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure this has something to do with the fact that your MSN is spoilt... :)

At 4/29/06, 5:57 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

... msn is still spoilt, my cousin is still ignoring me so i have yet to fix it.

actually my drive to work on assignments have decreased by 73% because i do not have msn to distract me from distracting me from assignments..


chatting on msn justifies my NEED to complete my assignments..because there must always be a balance..but now there's no balance..there's just too much 'GOOD' and not enough 'EVIL'.


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