Monday, April 24, 2006

Do Did Done

Just a quick note to say that i've completed the dastardly's only 8 pages and i'm not proud of far as i can see, it's all just a repeated ramble of minimum, maximum and mean values sprinkled with notations of SEM values and error bars on every paragraph based on 6 damned species of marine organisms.

frankly, it's rubbish, from my point of perspective.


( the great adversities of life, there is ALWAYS a HOWEVER..or a BUT, if you're a lazier person and would rather type 3 alphabets rather than 7..)

everyone seems to think that their report is rubbish as well...and the great thing is that everyone's been asking me how to do it..well..not everyone..but quite a substantial few. so i'm currently satisfied to think that although mine is rubbish, it's of a greater class of rubbish compared to that would mean that, based on the Almighty Bell-shaped Curve of the Normal Probability Distribution, i stand a higher chance of getting a great mark, based on my own hypothesis that great rubbish would inadvertantly turn into relatively great marks.

i know pride comes before fall...heck, i'm already a master at that adage...but i'm just too stuffed with this...i've completed it and now, it lies in the hands of fate (or Dr. Ross Coleman, actually) to either deal me yet another sweet card or to give me a final blow to my self-esteem as an aspiring marine biologist.

and with that said...i now proceed to fly off to the Old Geology Building Rm 105 to hand in these sheets of pestilence and brain-numbing wash my hands clean of it and know that i only have one final report to hand in..


coming all too soon on 18th May 2006.

p.s. i ramble when i'm hungry..and right now..the spicy chilli tuna sandwich tucked inside my bag is beginning to look really good.


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