Saturday, May 13, 2006

damned universe.

There are some battles in life that you can never win. try as you might, the odds are always ALWAYS stacked up against you.

Take for example:

1. You VS Assignments. You know who the winner of this all-out mudsling will be..and it ain't gonna be you. No matter how often you tell yourself that you've completed it, you've truly owned its ass, there's always gonna be another right behind the heels of the first to nip at your sorry behind.

2. You VS Parents. Don't even go there. The consequences are dire.

3. You VS Onions. It's inevitable. Even though you think you've killed them by chopping 'em up in rings/cubes/whatever...they're always gonna get the last laugh...or rather...the last tear. because it's gonna be you crying your eyes out, little namby crybaby.

4. You VS Women Drivers. Ok, let's cut the crap here. They even get on MY nerves sometimes.. and that's coming from a member of the same sex. beware the ones who drive Kancils and wears a tudung...either they're timid as a mouse and cause maximum frustration because of their lack of judgement and indecisiveness of where to go/what to do..or they're the super ganas/terror/freak-kinda drivers..the ones who mow and plough through the traffic as if they own a Storm. Either way, they're always gonna get the better of you..because..WHY? THEY MAKE YOU ANGRY AND YOU LOSE THE PLOT.

5. ME VS Computer. yep..that's right. try as i might..i will never win this battle. once your beloved is struck by a matter how you fix it, how it seems to be all well isn't. it will never be the same. NEVER. no matter how you'll somehow be..marred. and it'll turn against you. it'll not perform what you want it to do. YOU LOSE. GAME OVER.


At 5/13/06, 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Damn marketers...


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