Thursday, May 11, 2006


Life works in mysterious ways, don't you agree?

we were doing the same course, agonizing over the same chem questions posed by Mr Yap, enduring the high-pitched voice of Ms Irene, cursing when the Finals for SAM started, celebrating when the Finals for SAM ended, ate the same crappy food served by the Sunway Hotel Group..all this for 9 months. Yet, we didn't know each other.

We had to be thrown into the bowels of Perak i.e. OBS to finally meet...hundreds of kilometres away from home when we could've saved the petrol and met at Subang anyway.

funny, eh?

I can't remember the reason for the big smiles...but i think it must've been something funny/happy.

but we really clicked during OBS YAC19/CAC-something..of course there was the initial..'Hey..aren't you from...?'..and then the 'OMG small world!'...and finally..'OH SHIT SAM RESULTS COMING OUT TODAY!' but we had fun, didn't we? the millions of pictures we took throughout the course stands as testimony to this fact.

Anyway, here's wishing you a very Happy 20th Birthday!

thanks for all the fun times we've had in OB, out of OB, and the discounts you popped by my way when we were in Camp5..or rather, when YOU were in Camp5.

once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ren-ren!


At 5/12/06, 12:02 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

ah thank u thank u!!

*hugs you out of breath*

i know...the milestones aren't many but good times they were...

love u!


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