Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week 4: Breaking dawn (no i haven't read that book yet, i heard it's shit!)

hello everyone! sorry i haven't really been blogging much these days. it's just that i've been so busy trying to sort my affairs out in terms of accommodation, visa status, work and just life in general that i've totally put writing on the back burner!

plus there's still tons of photos that i'd like to upload i.e. photos from penang, photos from my time home in general (fucking damn a lot thinking about it is making my head hurt), photos from the coldplay concert (BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE 2009! ok..maybe not BEST 2009 night ever but definitely one of the better ones!), photos from ben's 4th birthday and photos of my new apartment!


yes, i've finally found a place! AN ENTIRE PLACE TO CALL MY OWN (ok la, not my own though i'm the main tenant cos i need to find a housemate to ease the financial situation). it's completely unfurnished HOW EXCITING IS THAT!? i get to decorate it however i want to because i'm the main tenant (nyehehehe! you can dere-lick my balls! sorry too much Zoolander) so my word is gold! i've got all these grand plans for the living room, MY ROOM (it's huge leh, i'm thinking DOUBLE BED muahahaha!) and the whole place in general (wow, 'in general' seems to be popping up alot)!

so, IKEA tomorrow and when i've set everything up i'll intro my new place to you BWAHAHAHA! anyone in australia, feel free to visit! if you're not in australia but you have the cash to fly over, feel free to visit! if you're not in australia neither do you have the money to fly over, well, i guess i can give you some form of a visual experience *shrugs* i'll do my best!


At 3/23/09, 10:23 PM, Blogger Daniel said...


now i got a place to stay in sydney!

At 3/27/09, 7:06 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

yes, yes you do!


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