Thursday, March 19, 2009

so many things to do, so many things to worry about, so many things to think! i feel like there's hardly any time at all left to even do trivial things like lie on my tummy and read. twilight. yes, i'm reading twilight. i must say it has a pretty mediocre storyline for all the hype it has been generating. bella swan annoys me, i wish she would be less clingy and whiny and dependent on edward.


another thursday is here! what is this, like, my 4th thursday here? cool.


At 3/20/09, 10:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cousinly advise:
Stop counting down and start enjoying! You can't hate it forever!

If that fails, drinking with me will solve everything.

At 3/20/09, 10:21 AM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

woooops that was me!!! obviously


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