Sunday, February 15, 2009

Malaysia Uncovered: Day 4 - I was the tiger ROAR!

after Kota Bharu, we took the east-west highway bound for Penang!

i'm kinda lazy today and i don't really feel like words so i'm just going to put up the pictures. however, if i feel that it would be appropriate to have a sentence or two accompanying some of the pictures, i'll type it up!

rumour has it that, if you're lucky enough, you may spot a tiger or even an elephant blundering out onto the east-west highway! disappointingly enough, the only tiger on the road that day was me.

despite my best efforts in calling out for TokBelang, Tok Rimau, Maybank, Tiger Oh was all in vain. soon enough, we reached Penang!

God. Penang, have no idea how in love i am with you. your architecture. the way your peoples talk in a sing-song voice. your cheap food. your laidback island attitude. i have come to realise that this roadtrip has not only increased my knowledge of malaysia, but it has also revealed how dissatisfied i actually am HAHAHAHA! no la, i am satisfied with my current situation. i'd be even more satisfied if i didn't have to leave this place.


At 2/18/09, 8:50 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

OOOOHHH now this is even better! I will be studying in Penang from March onwards!!! now there's no excuse for u not meeting me is u like there so much =D

At 2/18/09, 9:07 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

HAHAHA but wei wei i won't be here la in march! so you'll just have to wait for me to come back from sydney then i'll come visit you FOR SURE!

how long will you be in penang?


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