Thursday, March 15, 2007

Trials and tribulations of a budding biologist.

being a third year science student is tough...and i've completely underestimated its potential to ruin lives.

i'm in a bit of a situation now: the dates of some of the intensive courses which i will have to take over the winter holidays are confounding me to the max now. here's a lowdown of what's happening.

Winter break: 30 June - 22 July.

Intensive Course #1 - Marine Field Ecology: 2-9 July.
Intensive Course #2 - Aquaculture: 9-18 July.
Intensive Course #3 - Coral Reef Ecosystems: 13-22 July.

so here's where things get a bit tricky...

i would like to attend #2 and #3 but the commencement dates overlap therefore that option is currently out of the question.
hence i decided that i'd rather do #3 instead because it sounds so much more fun and interesting and cool!

however, i received an email today from my lecturer that i've been accepted to do #2 and the twist in this is that it's harder to get into #2 than #3 because it is more exclusive and is grade-dependant AND a lot of my friends have been accepted for that course too.

so i thought, sure, i'll do #2 instead...until i realised that the dates were smack in the middle of my winter i'll have neither head nor tail of my break to do anything else (e.g. visit Melbourne..for shame, Melanie).

so then i thought, fine..stick with #3 la...but EVERYONE ELSE is in #2!!! grrr...peer pressure.

and then i thought...aiya, do #2 oni la...and since your vacation's gonna be spoilt anyway, might as well take #1 while you're at it. but then i've never had any intention to do #1 because the lecturer who's in charge of it is a bit...err...hands-on with his students.

ANYWAY...if i took #1 and #2...i'll be studying *koff*intensively*koff* from 2-18 July! which could potentially kill me because i'm not designed for intensive studying. however, it would also mean that for 2nd semester, i'll just have 2 regular classes in my timetable = more time to slack bludge conduct independant studying. but i really really wanna do #3 too!

so the real question is this: Should i go to Melbourne?


and to top it all off, i caught 10 snails tonight...and they're all cramped into one plastic rectangular takeaway box. i feel like such a murderer because they will be part of 'The Scientific Cause for the Betterment of Mankind'. about confined spaces and cruelty to animals. there is a particularly active one which i have named Albert...hoho. and although i've already punched holes onto the cover of the box but i'm still uber paranoid that all 10 will suffocate to death through the night therefore i've proceeded to cut bigger airholes for them fellas.

now i'm paranoid that when i wake up tmrw morning, i'll find all 10 gone because they would've crawled out of the holes leaving their shells behind them and morphed into slugs.

sigh...i wish i did something a degree in Art History...or Engineering.


At 3/15/07, 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pfft!!! -____-" BUDDING biologist kononnya! tak excited pun wit da sunfish sightings...cis...

ANYWAY, u'r bek on market d ah? FINALLY LAH!!! *shout to the mountains* good lah good lah...dun b so bearish k... b more bullish...HAHAHA

i still luv u nonetheless mel ;p

At 3/15/07, 3:17 AM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

DO SOMETHING HARDER?! cmon mel you were born to catch snails and kill them, look at what happened to the poor little hermit crabs and your terrapins!!! lol.... poor souls.

It's always good to kill yourself in your 'holiday' and allow more room for 2nd semester which is also gonna kill you, but it will make the road abit smoother.

Just ask people to come to Sydney instead.

At 3/15/07, 8:22 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

not goin back m'sia??!?!?! ToT...
that time i will b in m'sia wor... boooohoohhoooo~~~

At 3/15/07, 5:41 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

kailan: sorry la, that time i was really tired so i wasn't that enthu.. but now i'm like OMG SUNFISH!!?!? NO WAY!! MAN I WISH I WAS THERE!!!!

good enough?

tam: i've sorta made my mind up..i'm just gonna go ahead with the coral reef thing after all..screw the rest.

and laa..i didn't KILL them la. they just..err..decided to die. *shrugs shoulders* hey my last 5 terrapins lived to a ripe old age OK!?!?

yun: nooo..i'm not coming back in winter..i've never come home during winter..sad.

At 3/17/07, 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so your not designed for intensive studying ..... no suprise. i mean who is ... im not

melbourne is great, i love it, something about it that is nicer than sydney (maybe the bumlessness) and everyone is like so pretty there, ugly-free la ... no joke

oh, by the way, science is possibly the most easiest degree to undertake, damm bludgy la

At 3/18/07, 10:12 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hey you queensland-er..your allegiance lies with SYDNEY ok? not MELBOURNE. SYDNEY. so stop singing praises about MELBOURNE.

anyway..yes no..i'm still undecided about this whole science thing.


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