Wednesday, August 16, 2006

No adversaries here.

[EDIT] : Yes, my thing was indeed published in the papers...and No, I didn't get the $ went to another piece. and BLOODY HELL...the staff were really diligent in downsizing butchering my piece to about 1-2 short little paragraphs which I do not care to mention now.

I am disillusioned. this is how the story goes:

Monday morning, girl sits in front of computer in library. Girl visits The Star Online for the very first time. Girl sees headlines stating that the UMNO Youth group gave the green light to its members to burn Israeli/American/British flags as a sign of displeasure to the senseless bombings on Lebanon. Girl laughs. Then, girl get riled and feels the need to vent her spleen because girl thinks that the suggestions is one that reeks of immaturity and childishness.

Then, girl thinks. How best to vent her spleen and target a greater audience than the one generated by "White is the new Black"? Girl ponders. Why not do it on the blog offered by the Star Online peeps? Good good. But girl notices that the post is not immediately has to undergo scrutiny by the staff of The Star before it is given the all-clear. Never mind, girl has patience.

Later in the night, girl checks back on the site to see if the post is up. KNN! Her masterpiece is not there! CB..don't tell her the staff of The Star is, at this very moment, sending her home address to the ISA to report her for disturbing the racial harmony of Malaysia??

Girl then writes a lengthy post intended to be published on her own blog...very articulate, would have also been another masterpiece except that there can't be two masterpieces, hence it was relegated to the rank of semi-masterpiece. But before she could publish it, the deities whom Bill Gates pray to decides to thwart her...her laptop crashes.

*curses ensues*

Girl gives up and goes to sleep.

Jeng jeng jeng...there you have it. Anyway..according to Karen, she claims that she saw a certain 'Melaniela' in the papers today. I don't know for sure, but I trust her. So maybe there is salvation after all.

Here's what I wrote...just in case you were interested.

The opening line states:

"UMNO Youth has given the green light to its members to burn Israeli flags to reflect public anger over the senseless killings of civillians in Lebanon and Palestine."

Five seconds after perusing the words, I was amazed and in my honest opinion, found myself in a state of incredulous amusement at this stance that has been adopted by the UMNO Youth. Surely they would know better than to suggest such actions. I mean, come must be kidding.

At a time when every country should be advocating peace and being an example towards the two countries that are senselessly bombing each other, UMNO Youth decides to go one step further and fight fire with fire. Before we proceed, please, realise this that it's not just Israel being the aggressor and Lebanon/Palestine playing the helpless victim. Both sides are dropping bombs as fast on each other as over-ripened oranges are falling from the orange tree. Both sides have suffered casualties. Civilians on both sides are being killed.

How are we to make things better by burning a country's flag? On what authority do we have to make such a move of disrespect? How would this reflect upon us? That, when push comes to shove and we've finally gotten sick and tired of this whole affair, we whip out our Zippo lighters and rush to the nearest kedai runcit selling Israeli/US/British flags to engage in our own pseudo-GuyFawkes Day? Where is the rationality in that? Heck, does the country even stock Israeli flags?

The only response we would get from the world is one laced with cynicism and mockery. Yes, maybe now Malaysia might make it onto some late-night show with another set of glaring headlines..."Burning Flags Is Apparently The New Black In KL." And that's as witty a headline as I can muster right now. Why? Because my brain is still reeling from the incredulousness of the whole idea. It has not regained full function.

Now, wouldn't it be a much better idea for everyone to exhibit their anger and protests by showing the world that Malaysia is indeed a harmonious multiracial country and that they should all be ashamed of themselves and try to model their living habits like ours? Have more open-houses. Distribute more pictures of Malays mingling with the Chinese and laughing with the Indians. Show them that no bombs and wars equal to great jokes and damn good nasi lemak. Or something that may symbolise the likes of harmony.

I mean, face it, burning flags will only do more harm than good. Why?

UMNO Youth members burn flags = Malay community burn flags.

(Surely you don't think the Chinese and the Indians will become involved? It's UMNO Youth, hello.)

Malay community burn flags = Another subtle/vague form of the terrorism that we so like to condemn these days.

UMNO Youth, you'd just be playing straight into the hands of the enemies. And you just might give the Israelis more reason to bomb the Lebanese and the Palestinians now.

Ok..I admit..I did it for the money. I sold my soul to the Gods of Government-monitored-moderated-opinions for the astonishing sum of RM50.00. So, how?


At 8/16/06, 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know where to find Israeli flags :)

At 8/16/06, 11:02 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahaha..where, waiking..pray tell..

At 8/17/06, 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hail DAP.
nak join DAP tak?
jom sama sama.
tak mau DAP, PAS jadi jugak.
eh eh, keADILan pun boleh.

At 8/17/06, 3:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


can buy a dozen box of krispy kremes, i reckon. n still hav left over change to buy hot coffee.


*hand shakes* good article there! post more lah! :) then can go shopping for summer dresses. hehe... but seriously, THAT ARTICLE you wrote is really good. someone shld knock some sense into those ppl head. GOD bless them and shame on them!

n did they publish ALL DAT U WROTE? i do hope so! *censorship* &^&%%^%*& HURH!

At 8/17/06, 9:58 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

linda: yea..i mean, by burning other people's flag is just giving them a chance to call us another muslim terrorist country right? it's sad but sometimes i guess the politicians do not think before acting.

gee: nah..the best is to move to switzerland.

kailan: hahahaha..yea..i need to raise money for the Sponsor-Melanie-in-KL Fund. but thanks for the praise..bwahahaha

At 8/18/06, 1:23 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

i dont want to make political comments. afterall, there is no point talking about inferior people.

At 8/18/06, 3:37 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

hey did u get RM50? i dunno la...but the article they published is a quarter of what u wrote..

in could only be 1/5th...ahhaha ure words are too plenty for them...literally and figuratively speaking...

At 8/18/06, 12:42 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha..nooo! i didn't get the $50!! celaka betul. and yea..they butchered my text..cos i got my mom to go check it out for me..

damned Star.

At 8/18/06, 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i sokong! i sokong!

damned Star!

oni published wat THEY WAN! make no differences...chay.

At 8/19/06, 12:29 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

lol..yea..i can sympathise with you now, kailan.


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