Sunday, May 27, 2012

Falling asleep last night knowing that I will be waking up in Antarctica (again) (again as in, waking up daily in Antarctica, not again as in hey i'm having my birthday here AGAIN! i'm not that lucky) to mark my 26th birthday was strange. Talk about travelling to novel and exciting places to celebrate your birthday, HAH! It's been a very quiet day, and I have been feeling absolutely lazy and non-motivated and spoilt all day, which is just how every birthday should be.

My day didn't start till 1pm, due to my gallant efforts last night at trying to consume 3 litres of sangria and self-concocted punch. Spent the day eating scones, opening presents sent from home and reading birthday cards and birthday messages on the FB wall. Thanks Tam for the lovely necklace, I LOVE IT!

And yes, I know I'm in Antarctica but I haven't done anything outside of the ordinary to mark this occasion - we had a mini blizzard last night and I have been trying to keep myself indoors as much as possible. Just being here is already out of the ordinary, and for that I'm very thankful that i'm staring out into sea-ice and icebergs this 27th of May.

Anyway, thanks for the love everyone! As much as I'm enjoying this cold Antarctic birthday, I'm really hanging out for a warm 35 degrees Celcius Malaysian-flavoured one..SOON! xxoxoxoxox mwahmwahmwah and the likes.


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