Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 36: The Finish Line

so this is it. to be honest, i was expecting some sort of fanfare, or angels' choruses, perhaps? no? asking for too much? i'm not entirely sure - i guess i was just hoping for SOMETHING to definitively inform me that, yes, you can stop now.

well, i had nothing of that sort. all i had was...relief? yea, definitely some sort of quiet relief. it was kinda anti-climactic actually. i know i'd joked with my mom that the first thing i would do was to buy a bottle of tequila from the bottle shop and finish it. by myself. but all i really want to do now is to curl up and go to bed.

talking about bed, i had a very bad dream last night. and i woke up with this overwhelming sense of sadness and dread - as though all my happiness had been sucked out. and the dream has been hanging over my head like a dark cloud ever since. although, to be honest, it has probably been hanging around for a long time now. perhaps i've been so busy the past few weeks that, cloud or no cloud, my days had to go on. but now that my mind is its own free person again - maybe it has decided to bring to life that previous gloom? i mean, dreams often DO become reality, right?

sorry i can't show you any photos of the finished product because this laptop has no card reader and i have no cable for the camera. but i can assure you that it is beautiful.


At 11/10/08, 7:37 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

congrats melly!!

At 11/10/08, 4:48 PM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

yeaaah congrats!!! just sent u an sms...... don't worry the happiness sinks in after you get 2 full days of sleeep!!!!! then.... ALCOHOL!!!!!!

At 11/10/08, 11:21 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

upon reading my post a second time today, i realised i turned a potentially JOYOUS occasion into some sort of angst-ridden and emo scribble. ah.

At 11/12/08, 10:49 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

congrats girl!!! =)


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