Friday, November 07, 2008

[ok i actually wrote on 23 Oct but i didn't post it up because i thought it would be highly inappropriate if i showed pictures of myself posing about in dresses instead of writing! however, in my defence i write better at night anyway and since i've completed ALL MY WRITING NOW i can finally unleash this without feeling guilty..ok who am i kidding no one actually fucking cares]

so, the story is: last saturday was a really good day for me. i had completed my third chapter leaving me with only 1.5 more to write up before i called it quits. the sun was shining, the sky was clear and the weather was a toasty 30degC. and since it was saturday, the Glebe Markets were in full swing! everything seemed perfectly coordinated for me to venture out for a stress-free day of mindless nothings - which was exactly what i did.

ANYWAY what i'm trying to say is that i finally did some shopping. and it was good. and i'm really pleased and happy with my purchases so i've decided to show them off (not in a show-off way but more of a just to share some of my happiness kinda way although i don't know how happy this would make you feel but ah...). and to mitigate the heart-attack my mom and dad is undoubtedly feeling right this very moment after reading the above lines, i will include the price of said purchases.


$5 for the cardigan and $5 for the blue slip underneath i am invincible.

$30...but we aren't complaining! or are we? hmmmm. no la actually i am not.

$20...not bad right?


At 11/7/08, 7:15 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

i like the last one melly! its really nicee!! but the flowery one is so YOU....=)

At 11/7/08, 1:03 PM, Blogger tammeegoreng said...

Fuck yeah, you ARE invincible!!!!!!
That's it i'm so going to Glebe Markets toooooooo!!!!!

PS: Poser.

At 11/8/08, 4:25 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

ren: haha quite right! when i saw the flowery one i fell in love FOR THE FIRST TIME! ok bad joke.

tam: yea i wanted to go today but thanks to the shitty weather i've saved myself a ton of money. and thanks, if i can't be a marine biologist i'd like to be a model like the ones you have on make me a supermodel.

At 11/9/08, 4:51 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

I like the 1ast 2 dresses!!!! very summer like.. which reminds me... u r having summer over there =(

At 11/9/08, 1:08 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

huuhuhuhuuuuuuuuuuu..and it's bright and sunny and WARM today! by the everyone who reads this chatbox..I AM PRINTING MY FULL THESIS TODAY WISH ME LUCK!

you heard it first, here.

At 11/11/08, 7:47 PM, Blogger Zingi said...

oi! nak pinjam the red dress!!! damn the chumel!!

At 11/12/08, 11:16 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

nice summer dresses. GOod that you're getting in the summer mood.

At 11/23/08, 5:48 PM, Blogger Stephen Tan said...

I like the pink one. Good work Mel. Don't think I've ever managed to spend that little on so many items

At 11/23/08, 9:28 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

zingi: HAHAHA menyesal aku paparkan dress nih! haha eh tak lah joking oni..

daniel: hey! yea! summer mood gah it seems to be missing in sydney TODAY WAS 15 degrees la WTF?!

step: THANK YOU! yea i was really pleased with myself too i don't think i've ever spent so little for so many items.


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