Monday, June 05, 2006

Joy 3: The Discovery.

Life's pretty strange sometimes. There are some things that turn up in your life out of the blue... you listen, you give it attention and suddenly you can't get it out of your head. You want to know it, you want to understand it, you want it...and before you know it, it's gone. As quickly as it appeared, it leaves without a trace.

A few weeks down the track, you forget that it'd ever happened. You forget how it sounded like, you forget how you felt about it, you forget it. It's as though it had never happened. Elements like these are effervescent...they come and go as they please.

And then one day, you stumble upon it by accident. At first, the very first hint of a note strikes you as being familiar. You become intrigued and you stay to witness it unfold. As the melody becomes stronger, you're suddenly flooded by memory and emotions. You remember how it was before, you remember every single lilt in the song, you remember how it struck a chord in your heart.

Finally, after all these weeks, you've come to own that little bit that you craved for. You finally know what it is. You've finally gotten it.

And all there is to it is pure joy.

. . .

ackcherly hor...the long-winded-trying-hard-to-be-emo post was just to spice things up a little. all i was trying to say was that there was this one day where i entered HMV (or some CD shop in Broadway..can't remember the name) and there was this song playing. and the moment i heard it i was struck dumb. it was just so...nice. but i didn't know the title to it or the name of the band...wandered up to the counter and skulked around in hopes that they'd reveal the name of the album currently playing but no such luck.

ANYWAY, i got my limewire up and about today (thanks Elaine! but i don't need you anymore.. bwahahahah..OUCH!) and was randomly downloading some Snow Patrol tunes off...

the WMP changed to Snow Patrol-Chasing Cars...and the rest is history.

or rather...history came flooding back.


how odd, right?


At 6/8/06, 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

At 6/8/06, 11:49 PM, Blogger galnexdor said...


At 7/23/06, 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.


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