Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Partial Freedom.

"Freedom" because i've handed in all my pre-easter reports, wiped my hands clean of them, and just hoping for the best...heck, i'm content with a D, who gives a shit about A's anyway?? you're in uni man...aim low. be realistic. Ds ALL THE WAY!

"Partial" because as sweet as freedom is, the universe always conspires to screw it up. Now i've got 2 reports to hand in: one on Monday right after the easter hols and another on May 8, which is the Big-Mama...the decider on whether i make my living in the future as a Marine Biologist or if i spend the rest of my life sipping 1st-grade Hot Chocolate (i don't drink coffee), catching up with friends, visiting the manicure parlour and shopping with my platinum MasterCard (tell me it exists, SAY IT!), occasionally throwing in a couple of charity events or two. hey, if i can't swim with the dolphins i may as well use what little knowledge i've acquired in the first half of semester 1 of my 2nd year and catch me a BIG FISH, right?


So, for the meantime, i shall continue with what i normally do best, idly surfing blogs and websites, churning out post after post after post of irrelevant opinions and ideas, check my Friendster site a kazillion times a day and indulge in inane MSN-chats with friends who undoubtedly have better things to do...but i shall thwart them. we will talk about the weather, the alcohol, the current situation of the Market at large and who's being a bitch to who..


Ahh...sweet smell of Nothingness.

Prepare yourself for another post circa-around Midnight.


At 4/12/06, 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ghahaha... how's the knowledge you've acquired in your first half of semester 1 of your 2nd year got to do with catching fish? :)

At 4/12/06, 10:03 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

teehee...that's classified information.

only marine biologists/future marine biologists may partake in that revelation.

At 4/12/06, 10:04 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

eh, can u kill a fish ethically?

At 4/12/06, 11:23 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

that's subjective.

if you work in the Sydney Fish Market, you'd say that they're already dead anyway, so there's no such thing as ethical killing.

if you're a Christian, you'd remember that Jesus fed the masses with fish, so for fish, death in itself is already something ethical, sacred.

if you're a vegetarian, you'd sue the Fish Market people..

so it just depends..

what are you, dan?


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