Thursday, December 01, 2005

when you fail's time to restrategize.

I've always been sure of myself. Ever since i was a kid. Ever since i could remember. I knew what i wanted...and no one could make me change my mind once it's been set.

But somehow, i can't seem to make up my mind about you. I tell myself that nothing can come out of it...and i push you far away...but somehow you seem to have this amazing ability to come creeping back into my mind again.

in short...i can't seem to get over matter how hard i try.

and it's getting to a point where it's really beginning to frustrate me. really..i'm becoming increasingly irritated with myself...and with you too. i just want to resolve this and have it done with.

one day, i'll be able to muster enough of courage to tell you how i feel, then maybe you'll shoot me down and then everything will be cleared. yes..i think that's how it has got to be. i'll confess, you shoot me down. everyone's happy in the end.

courage...that's what i need.

...i'm so tired.

p.s. you smell nice, did you know?

p.p.s. don't make assumptions. please just don't. and don't ask me whether you know the person. chances are you do but an even higher chance is that the person you're thinking about is the wrong one. so just read, nod and move on to another blog. THANK YOU!


At 12/2/05, 3:30 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

its ok mel...shit happens...esp to teenage girls whose hearts tend to be a lil mor vulnerable than that of any other person of a different sex or age....=)

At 12/5/05, 12:23 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

..of course it's not you..

*shaking head in disbelief*


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