Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I'm not an angry baby anymore!

Malaysian food and water has finally caught up with me.

And by catching up with me, i don't mean in a good how-are-you-we-missed-you kinda way.

I mean, in a terribly horrible and sadistic way...

I've been strickened by the food-poisoning bug..boo hoo..

The only good thing i can see out of this cess-pool of self-inflicted malady is that the food-poisoning is devoid of pain.

That's my silver lining..i guess.


i've got a confession to make...i'm unabashedly excited about tomorrow's outing with the Taylor's gang. it's true..i wanna drink with people who are of the same skin tone as i am...i don't want to be the only turning red...whilst the others are still a pasty white. oh yay..!!

another confession...i find Dr House (that's Hugh Laurie to all you people who don't watch House but The Black Adder instead) completely Irresistible. Yes. Irresistible with a capital I. There's something about his in-your-face snide remarks and dry humour that i find terribly sexy. Now, why can't there be real men like him walking the face of the Earth??


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