Monday, November 14, 2005

it's a bloody rojak of thoughts

I don't want to count the days down guys do the math.

talking about maths..Today marks the LAST TIME that i'll ever have to (hopefully) smell, touch, see, hear and, if i'm unlucky, taste a Math Exam Paper. yes, Math Exam Paper has it's first alphabets in caps because it deserves it...because i've spent 15 out of my 19 years doing maths...that's 78.94% or 79% rounded up to the nearest figure, of my entire life...heck, that's a GREAT deserves a bit of respect...but NOT Math1013..i'm still sore.

Sayonara Mathematics. May we have parted on good terms.

but for now, i feel completely...relaxed...albeit that there's still another paper looming ominously just a little over 12 hours's That Feeling, you know. the feeling you get when you're already that near to the finish line that you can smell it, when your body starts to unwind and tells you to get your life back...when you begin to assume this taking-for-granted type of mood. the best word that can explain this phenomenon...(and i say, phenomenon because it comes around only twice in a year) is...INDIFFERENCE..!

hmm...ok, maybe that's not such a good word after all.

but yes, apart from that, today i truly appreciated what is known as the Aussie i walked back to the bus-stop at QVB (for the very last time this year!!)...i could smell that pungent aroma of carefree-ness in the air...the smell of flowers and sunshine and funnily enough, Kentucky Fried felt good just walking back..and then coming home and jumping into the pool with's as simple as that.

oh except the flies..if the flies weren't'd have been heaven.

and yes, there we were, jumping in to the pool, me trying desperately to learn how to somersault into the water...ok, i admit, i'm not very good at all this jumpy-athletically-inclined maneouvers but at least i mastered it at the end...and i've got a video to prove it. MUAHAHHAA...i'll figure out whether i can upload it onto the net and maybe you guys can witness The Amazing Jumping Skills of Melanie Ho.

it's beautiful. once again, i amaze myself..hahahaha...

oh yea...a little digression for your benefit:

"But i don't like the Kluger anymooorrreee!! I like the X5 Diesel now!!!"

*doubletake* ... waaaiiitttaaminute.

hahahaha..that's exactly what i did when i heard Joshua utter those words...wth?? X5 Diesel?? man..this kid knows too much for his own good.

and yes...there's yet another war going into what has been now coined "The World of Blogs: War of the Words"...ok maybe, not War of the Words...more of like, War of Who Is The Sexier and Smarter Blogger of the World..and heck, in a weird nerdish-nightmare, they've even named this so-called world, Blogosphere or Blogdom...whichever way you're heading...



muahahaha...there you go you stinky singaporean with your smart-ass "???" signs...

more on this topic when i'm not so razzled and dazzled i.e. after the exams la, dumb.



ok, i think i've covered pretty much what i wanted to say...


yes, today i called the MAS headquarters in Sydney to reconfirm my flight back to KL...and i have to hold on the line, not 5 minutes, not 15 minutes, not 20 minutes...but a freaking time-consuming and money-wasting 30 minutes!!! if i wasn't as patient a person as i am *coughcough* i'd have hung up.

what happened to technology?


yea..important my ass...not as important as having me listen to that same pathetic-voice-recorded-attempt-to-try-to-make-things-more-human-like for 100 million bazzillion times.


ok..for you who REALLY have no's

4 DAYS!!


At 11/15/05, 3:03 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

love you too melly~!!

At 11/15/05, 11:07 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...


someone reciprocated!!

there's still hope for me after all


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