Friday, November 11, 2005

i hate maths.


i'm gonna rant about my bear with me.

MATH1013: Life Sciences Differential and Difference Equations

it's supposedly the easiest of all the math streams offered in first year. SUPPOSEDLY. but this year they just decided to drop the whole effing bomb on us...yep...

"Let's just kill the first years, there's not been much excitement happening in the maths faculty this year..we haven't seen anyone jumping off the main quad for 10 years now."

yes, let's all go jump off the effing main quad hand-in-hand together in the spirit of unity. yes, let's.


the reason why i'm so peeved is that for the past 4 years, the paper has been very nearly IDENTICAL. yes, you heard me folks, it was identical. and then they decided that they'll have a little bit of fun with us. yes, first years are but instruments of pleasure for the exam-setters. not getting your daily dose of mental-torturing?? why not kill them with the finals paper instead? your kids ran off with the car and your wife ran off with another man? why not take it out on the first years by setting the very first question with an equation that has the sine, exponential and X-to-the-power-of-4 functions? whee...

yes..i think i'll go throw up some more.

my only hope now is that everyone else did so bad that i'll (hopefully) be moderated up. ohpleasegod, let that be true. judging from what i heard when we came out from the lecture hall, it's very highly likely. ohpleasegod let it be true.

the catchphrase of the day:

"Man, i'm so screwed...see you at winter school."

ohdeargod please let me not go to winter school.

CHEM1101: Chemistry 1A

it was ok. surprisingly. THANKS MR YAP!


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