Week 24: Still pain.
joints are hurting.
i don't normally self-prescribe but now that i'm actually full-blown sick sick, i've been asking myself WWPD? What Would Pa Do?! cos he's the one who's always forcing pills down my throat back home whenever i was sick. i've been taking panadol like they're sugus and downing cough syrup like there's no tomorrow. i read the bottle, it says 'Adults 10ml - Take dosage at night 1 hour before bed' BUT it doesn't say what the limit is.
e.g. Panadol - not more than 8 tablets a day.
i love cough syrup. it has honey and lemon balm in it...nyamnyam. i've been taking a regular 10ml dose every 3 hours or so. i don't think there's such a thing as cough syrup overdose right?
last night was hell. it was probably one of the worst nights of my life. i couldn't sleep because my brain decided to simulate the birthing process, the birth canal being my right eye socket. pounding pain. POUNDING PAIN. and each time i closed my eyes, i had the same recurring dream - something made up of geometric arrow-shapes pounding and smashing into each other, chaotic killing, i would say. and mind you, i woke up like 8 times throughout the night and had the same dream over and over. in the end i couldn't take the bullshit any longer...downed 2 panadol tablets and it was sweet sweet dreamless sleep for me.
now, i'm kinda a little afraid of falling asleep, because i can feel the slight pain at the base of my neck.
ARGH! i want my ma and pa! i wish someone would cook meatball porridge for me sobsobsob.
too much cough syrup makes people into codeine addicts.
oh btw, when I got the shingles, the pain was so so bad. Had to take panadeine. Stronger stuff than panadol.
Another good remedy was Dota. SOmehow helped me take my mind off the pain.
hahaha i cannot concentrate on anything..can't even watch tv but forcing myself to.
codeine addict eh? well, i've had 4 doses of 10ml of nyal cough syrup since 4pm and it's been pretty sweeeeet!
hahaha eh cough syrup is addictive mel...ahhaah yea some druggies take cough syrup..
get well soon...sleep more....thats always my cure....id recommend a jog to quay but i think its still too cold for that aye?
yea no jogging! all i've been doing is moping around and sleeping and watching the olympics..i guess life's good...if i wasn't coughing so much.
i'm coughing my way to abs..o yeahhh!
OIH! see doc la!
ya i'm going to see him/her right now..hahahaha..this second..walking out the dooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
good girl! U poor thing... I know how it feels like to be sick n faraway from homeeeeee =( So get well fast okie?
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