Week 19: Get Better from the Mates of State.
it is winter still! yet, i'm finding this winter to not be as severe as the previous winters - to prove a point, i'm still walking about the apartment in shorts and a tshirt, and i've yet to bust out my goose-feather padded code-named 'Ugly Bubbly Looking' purple jacket, because i don't need it! the weather's been unconditionally and uncharacteristically kind; most the days the skies are graced with beautiful sunsets.
specimen #1 - captured this while i was walking home from lab one day.
it has led me to wonder: how big a part is global warming playing for this to occur, or have i really just gotten used to this country and the cold? in other words, am i slowly acclimatizing and assimilating myself to this environment? because of late, i've found my brain slowly switching the default mode to 'Australia' rather than 'Malaysia'. although i'm still rebelling against this feeling, more often than not, i'm finding myself calling Sydney as home, or rather, acknowledging it as home.
this has caught me by complete surprise, because i'm sure the long-term readers of this blog will already be all-too-familiar with the sentiments i hold for this place: i do not like it and it is only temporary. there were weeks and months when i felt like i was in some sort of never-ending nightmare - one that i just can't wake myself up from (unlike the rat nightmares where my body's so good it's tuned to completely jerk myself awake). never-ending because, well, there just seems to be no visible end! first it was just 3 years, then one more year, then work, PR application, PhD...what next?! the years just keep leading on and piling up one over the next.
specimen #2 - foreboding-looking row of trees that line the entrance before i cross the st john's oval..yet another hurdle!
and now, the inevitable has happened. i think my head has accepted that there is no way i'll ever be spending my adult years in malaysia hence the switching of the auto-default mode. everything seems normal now - there is no more that 'off' feeling of being in a foreign country. when i'm sitting in a restaurant with my relatives, my brain tells me that yes, this is home. when i'm riding on the bus back to missenden rd, my brain tells me that yes, this is home. when i'm pushing my way up george st on a saturday afternoon and shouldering against the throngs of pedestrians, my brain tells me yes, this is normal and how it has always been and will always be, home. i'm starting to absorb sound and light that's never been right.
how la? i have lost the battle! i concede defeat. with each passing day, kajang and kl seem more and more like a place where i've come to acknowledge as a holiday destination. a place where i am the tourist. and if i'm not careful, it will slowly begin to acquire that 'off' feeling of a foreign country.
the day with the longest night for the southern hemisphere has come and gone. now, the days will only get longer and brighter over time. i'll keep telling myself that everything's gonna get lighter, even if it doesn't get better. and if i'm going nowhere, at least we're going nowhere together.
Time to forget Negaraku and all that "rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju" rubbish. it's more like "rakyat hidup, berkecai dan malu" with the way things are going.
YAY!!! welcome to da club MELANIE HO!!! HUA HUA HUA
p/s: wanna move to brissy 2gether gether??? haha
Yea, I understand how you feels, even tho it's only my 2nd year here...
But sadly for my course, I will HAVE TO go back to penang in March 09. And all due to the EU factor, it's a high chance that I won't be able to work in Ireland...
Lemme know if u n smexy auntie anon move to brissy, I go visit =D
dan: lol that's some brilliant stuff 'rakyat hidup, berkecai dan malu'..you have some gems in that brain of yours!
smexy auntie anon: brisbane? serious ar? you don't come and talk la...you bring your ass over to sydney first then we nego.
yun: you want to live and work in ireland izzit? erhh..i wish i could go back to penang and work like you!
eh... i got proper name leh... >.< n btw ah, how come i cannot delete da previous comment wan???
all bcoz of YUN lah!!! celaka u, YUN!!! ish, benci ah!
i brought my nice bumbum last month to visit u wat... nego wat summo lah? :p
Maybe to jump start my career Ireland would be a better place. But aiyoh, nvm la, M'sia not that bad also =)
MELLY! Smexy auntie anon don like her name laaaa! why she so hard to please one? XD
lol i dono la she's damn hard to please like that la! damn fussy cis.
*pouts* call me my proper name will do ok!
p/s: eh, how to delete previous comments made ah???
why do i feel like im losing a best fren?? T.T sobs
SAA aka smexy auntie anon: only I (melanie ho) can delete the comments BWAHAHAHA!
nikki: haiyo don't worry la you're not losing anyone. i'll always be one msn window away.
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