Week 15: Housekeeping.
now that i am sufficiently calmer after my run-in with the devil's workshop a.k.a. iTunes, let's talk about other less angsty issues! but before i start, i'd just like to say that i've taken the advice from the Chang-man and have begun listing the songs of albums that are on high rotation on iTunes according to their track number. i would much rather have technology do it for me instead of having to do it myself but i guess we can't be winners all the time and beggers can't be choosers.
1. my mom has left sydney and is back home in sunny kajang. i try not to think about it but goshdernnit is time moving fast or what?? a whole month has crept up upon me and raced by without me even realising it! on one hand, this is a good thing because more weeks passed = that much closer to going home. but on the other hand, more weeks passed also = less time for me to figure out what i want to do with my life post-honours. anyway, i miss my mom cos suddenly the apartment seems so much more quiet now and there's only me on the couch accompanied by noises from the telly.
2. last week was officially the end of the urchin-culling season HOORAY! no more taking of innocent lives! to be honest, i was washed over by a sense of joy and relief when none of the urchins spawned on the very last day of the very last experiment. i know i should have been disappointed like how any other dedicated scientist would be, but all i could feel was EXHILARATION!
3. it feels strange walking into uni and passing anxious faces and large groups of students doing last-minute note-mugging outside halls and theatres because hello hello IT IS EXAM SEASON NOW! and why does it feel strange? well...i used to be one of them, but i'm not anymore! i want to go up to them, give them a pat on the back and say there there, it'll be alright - it's only math but i know i'm more likely to give them an overly-exaggerated wink while grinning and mouthing suckers. revel in the glory of pseudo post-graduate studies! (pseudo because i'm technically not a graduate - yet.)
4. on august 18, i'll be standing on the second dancefloor of enmore theatre drooling, screaming and crying to the sounds of Death Cab For Cutie! god this occasion is nearly enough to make me love australia for life because what are the odds of watching dcfc twice?? in the same country?!? and all thanks to the Chang-man too! wow i seem to be doubly indebted to you in less than a month lol. if it weren't for him alerting me about their impending arrival, i would've completed missed it! but once i received news about their gig at enmore, it was full throttle and pedal to the metal to obtain those tickets. i might've broken the record for the fastest time in scrambling to the computer, logging on to ticketek and punching my credit card number in - MEMORISED.
5. i have a visitor. and so, to end this highly irrelevant and boring post, i shall leave you with a picture. guess who?

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