Tuesday, November 06, 2007


1. If you had asked me outright, I would have said Yes. Instead you went beating around the bush and attempted to be righteous, so I said No just to spite you.

2. Sometimes I really question your common sense,
or rather, lack of. Don't you fucking know that boyfriends/girlfriends come and go but friends stick around for ever?

3. I only said those things just so you'd know how to give caustic comments yet be able to receive them gracefully. I don't deny that I was guilty with egging you on, but I do not regret my actions. If I'd hurt your feelings, then I'm sorry. But I'd just like you to know that each time you dismissed anything I told you regarding marine studies and my experiments, you hurt me real bad too. You know I love you to bits and I can understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, but I'd like you to know that if you ever feel like talking again, I'll be here.

4. Although I'm not that angry anymore, but I'm still feeling this grudge deep inside me.
It is there because you ignored my pleas and took her away from me.
Even after I explicitly begged you not to.

5. Although the messages you send me are always few and far in between, but each time I read them, they completely make my day.
I miss you.
Send more of them my way, please.
I'm counting on you now.

6. I ran away from you because you were younger than me. Back then, I had an issue with that. Sometimes I get a tinge of regret, because now that I've seen what you've become, I just feel like a fool.

7. You know, I actually believed every single word you said.
I soaked it all up like sand does water.
I've now decided that they were all lies.
I still can't believe you'd actually do something like this.
I've still not forgiven you.

. . .

I tag Nikki, Karen, Yun, JoAnn and Daniel. Come up with 7 sentences that you want to say to someone/anyone but you never could. It would be really interesting and after you've done it, there's a sense of liberation. Well, for me anyway.


At 11/7/07, 3:24 PM, Blogger galnexdor said...

um...7 sentences of what mel? what's the running theme here?

At 11/7/07, 4:27 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

anything! anything that you want to say to someone but you can't.

At 11/13/07, 3:44 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

wah. rain check dulu on this tag.. seems rather emo. wait till i'm emo then i'll post it somewhere.

At 11/13/07, 2:49 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

lol..it doesn't have to be emo if you don't want it to be laaaa.


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