Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It starts and ends with 'A'.

there is this new gameshow on Channel 10 (Australian TV) called 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader'. i've been watching it every week since it started, not out of choice but necessity, because there is NOTHING good on tv from 7.30 to 8.30 pm.

yes. it is a tragedy.

ANYWAY...this is the most ridiculous game show i've ever seen. how it goes is: an adult comes on stage and is asked a series of questions taken from the 1st to 5th grades in school. of course, there are 'helplines' in the form of actual 5th-graders on stage, that answer the same questions as said adult and may even help out the said adult. it pretty much goes along the same lines as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire...except it is a much more dumbed down version. think questions like:

Which of the following is NOT a planet?
a. Moon.
b. Earth.
c. Another planet name of your choice.

yes. it is a tragedy.

and week after week, adults stumble and fall, and as yet, i have NOT seen an episode where an adult succesfully answered all 10 questions. it is an embarassment. and the most depressing thing is: for such a display of public humiliation, they still get to walk away with at least AUD25,000.

sigh. there is no justice in this world.

ok ok. i have a question for you. incidentally, it is the same question that proved too much for one contestant.

What branch of mathematics is used to describe the following,

x + 2 = 7...?

come on, make me proud!


At 11/14/07, 10:39 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

its gotta iteration. we love that shit.

At 11/14/07, 11:34 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

hahahaha..wth daniel? what's with the iteration?

At 11/15/07, 7:12 AM, Blogger 20 said...

oh u have not seen the american version, how tony hawk ruined his reputation and image. he thinks crocodiles are herbivores. "-.-

At 11/15/07, 11:46 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

omfg are you serious?!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! this is too fucking hilarious.

At 11/15/07, 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAha what iteration that's damn random haha

At 11/16/07, 1:54 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

ya it's damn random.


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