Tuesday, November 13, 2007

serious stuff.

i have been rather out of touch with the happenings of glorious Malaysia of late. it is only recently that i found out about the demonstrations which had occured in downtown KL calling for 'Cleaner and Fairer Voting' (or something to that extent). this, of course, piqued my interest, because now being the examination period, i am in great need for distraction.

so i trawled the internet for articles regarding this demonstrasi and stumbled upon this absolute gem written by one M. Bakri Musa. i highly recommend that you read it too...for the full article, please click here.

however, if like me, you're only interested in the article for pure entertainment purposes, please read the following excerpt: the parts which i have bolded or italicised (as of now, i have yet to decide what i shall do) are the parts where i, literally, LOL...or as non-tech-savvy people call it, Laughed Out Loud.

copied over ad verbatim:

"Hishammuddin’s decidedly subdued speech to UMNO Youth at the party’s recent General Assembly was in mark contrast to his racist histrionics of last year. This showed one thing: even these morons in UMNO are teachable after all.

Last year we witnessed the revolting spectacle of Hishammuddin repeatedly stabbing the sterile chilled air of the PWTC Conference Hall. The only thing missing was the foam frothing from his wide, open mouth to make that silly scene really complete as a sandiwara (shadow play).

Hishammuddin of course received a rousing response in that hall for his piece of titillating theatrics. That prompted me to write then that we should expect his deputy Khairy Jamaluddin to outdo Hishammuddin at this year’s gathering. Meaning, Khairy would probably attempt a silat with his keris instead of merely jabbing an imagined enemy in the air. I also wrote that the only way to end such silly stunts would be to have the klutz Khairy accidentally stab himself. Only through such divine interventions would these latter day Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat pretenders be taught a memorable lesson.

Fortunately, thanks to the outrage expressed by ordinary Malaysians to last year’s crudities, we were thankfully spared similar stupid spectacles this year. The good lord need not have to intervene after all to stop these childish charades

To be sure, such outrages were expressed only in cyberspace in the various web blogs and Internet portals like Malaysiakini.com and Malaysia-Today.net. Our intellectuals and pussy footing pundits remained curiously silent. I interpreted that to mean that they must have approved of the stunts and the accompanying venomous messages spewed by these characters.

In contrast to the furor in the Malaysian blogosphere, there were apologias galore in the mainstream media. One sycophantic columnist excused the whole ugly episode as nothing more than “party politics as usual.” She duly noted, with approval undoubtedly, that Najib Razak had many years earlier dripped his keris with tomato ketchup to emphasize a particularly racist point when he was UMNO Youth leader addressing a similar crowd."

WHO IS THIS MAN!? he deserves to be at the Montreal Comedy Festival for providing me with such endless peals of laughter...the kind that originates from the abdominal region. you know, the best kind.

but jokes aside, this whole debacle has been very embarassing for our country's image in the foreigner's eye. at least, for the love of God, send someone who's proficient in English to conduct an interview with an international television network. i cringed when i heard his replies. shame on you! obviously you did not pay enough attention during your English classes when you were in high school.

fucking embarassing la! i'll have to explain myself (and my country) to tim tomorrow. sigh.

and what's with the tomato ketchup? from my understanding, it's only good for fries, KFC and terrorising yihaur with (i honestly doubt i'll ever forget that). i know some people who pour it over fried noodles or even mix it in with fried rice. now, that's just weird.


At 11/14/07, 6:33 AM, Blogger evil yun said...

yea! i heard about the BERSIH thing too! did u know that it was all over cnn, bbc n al jazzera news? check out the video on youtube, there is one that al jazzera interviewed our minister of information... Listen to his english man... that's classic.

That video was my entertainment one night b4 my endocrine mid term exam.. hahahahaha =P

At 11/14/07, 12:22 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

yeala..hahaha..that's what i was saying..the minister who couldn't speak properly.

At 11/15/07, 12:08 AM, Blogger Gene said...

it hurts me knowing such dumb people are so high up in the government. you should read Nazri's interview in NST. it hurt me too. did i email you stuff on this? wasn't sure, emailed quite a few people =p pain...oh the pain..

At 11/15/07, 2:02 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

no you didn't..but i've trawled the internet for articles, so i might've stumbled on it. apparently the government ordered for a media blackout on the events..thank god for good old leakages...

ah well. that's our politicians for you...a fine example for kids these days.


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