Friday, February 17, 2006

My Taman is not safe anymoree!!!

Forgive me while I make a sweeping statement.

If you're Indian and you're good and honest and hardworking and a female and happen to NOT live in Taman Kajang Baru...I'm sorry. This is not directed at you. It's nothing personal.

Indians are the main cause of social problems in our country...or at least, in Selangor.

You two Indians. You evil. You not nice. You took that Malay man's money.

Oops..did i just type what i was thinking?

ok..get this. it's really REALLY REALLY nothing personal. See..i have no hard-feelings for Indians, heck i even have a lot of Indian friends. But what i say ring true. There are quite a number of Indians who are beginning to terrorise the safe streets that we law-abiding Malaysians choose to walk on...


oh the shame..

we were on our way for dinner. then we saw this malay man by the side of the road. there were these two indians on a motorcycle. we saw him grabbing his wallet and taking out stuff to give to them..then my dad went

"eh..i think that fella kena robbed la"

and lo and behold, when we were at the end of the road looking up, the two indians did a u-turn and wobbled..yes..i swear, they did this giddy-triumphant-Whheee-We-Got-Money-wobble down the hill on their blardy motorcycle.

and i stared at them through the back windscreen. stared and stared...bloody P-platers. they even had the audacity to stare back at us instead of speeding all the way back to their hole looking all guilty-like.

damn it.

Now the Malay man has no money for lunch or train tickets tomorrow..


At 3/7/06, 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Taman is not safe from anyone-it is not just the Indians that terrorize your area but also people of your race and and others. Before you come up with a racist comment like you did, its best to go to the local police stations and get the statistic. yeah I can understand your resentment and your feelings having witnessing an incident like that but hey you dont have to turn into a RACIST person.
You are exposed to the Aussie way of living and having to be able to travel abroad you should have better sense of judgdement.
We all can sit and list how high and mighty our race is and also list down how other races are but to live together in Harmony is to be able to be tolerate and to be sensitive to others.
BY shouting Indians are like this and that , nothing gets achieved except for more racist remarks to be made to your race by the Indians who reads your blog.
You can always channel your frustrations thru proper procedures, like reporting to the police on the incident,writing to local dailies or even writing on your blog is a good idea bu tplease not with racist sentiments
Enough said, I shall now and get my child some lunch.


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