Monday, February 06, 2006

I don't even know where to start...

Once again, i've stumbled across another valuable gem. I don't claim to be original because in this day and age in which we live in, Originality is Dead. Anyway...i got this off Karen's...just 4 words...insignificant by itself but when strung proclaims what i've always been stubborn enough to overlook...or rather, deny.

What Ifs don't work.

As much as we'd all like it to. It doesn't.

By saying What-If, we'd only be dogged by false matter how little or small it may be, false hope is still false...and that's one thing that i hate the most: feeling happy and elated one moment .. and *insert fave negative feeling here* the next.

Because it's false.

so what do we do? we move on..or rather..initially, we try to move on...but it's those wretched little false hopes that keep holding us back. they're vicious and cunning and will never let us go.

then one day, we realise that we've just spent one too many nights thinking about the issue at hand...calling up friends and moaning to them about the issue at hand...tried too many ways to solve the issue at hand...disillusioned ourselves by thinking that we've finally conquered the issue at hand (but in fact, we've not *winkwink* it's the damned false hopes all over).

and then we go, AH SCREW IT. quit all this What-if What-if shit. If it was meant to happen, it'd already have happened. Since those damned false hopes are still hanging around, it will only mean one thing...BUMMER FOR YOU. you're still stuck in the mud.

and then suddenly, we sit back and take a deep breath...clarity returns to the mind...i mean, seriously, all these false hopes? they sit in there, brooding, waiting, ready to pounce on you once they sense a moment of weakness in the psyche, they GATHER DUST. they cloud your mind and your judgement, which can only explain why you were such a mental-wreck to begin with.

so with that final AH SCREW IT, we dispel all that was lodged in the brain. it's like a total mind overhaul, yo. it's G.O.N.E.

so...don't say What-If. and don't say I Do.

it's like their calling-card. they WILL creep back if you utter those little-little words.

. . .

i kinda have a feeling that i've digressed ever so slightly from the topic at hand...or at least from what i initially wanted to say...but ahh..flush it. i'm 19-going-on-20 and i'm 5'5". i'm a soon-to-be marine biologist. i may have a squarer-than-average face and a wonky tooth sticking out on the right. but i'm adamant. i will live.


At 2/6/06, 2:51 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...

yes! to hell with What Ifs! =)

At 2/7/06, 4:16 AM, Blogger galnexdor said...


what la u raymond....


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