Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What's wrong with Malaysian drivers??

A big fat NOTHING!

I’m sick of hearing people diss about how shit Malaysian drivers are. I’m not having anymore of that. This is it. I’m past the point of tolerating such comments with a forced smile. NO MORE I TELL YOU!

Why the sudden outburst I hear you ask? Well, last night I was at David’s and Tammy’s place for dinner. See, all the parents are in China and it was just the kids left in Cherrybrook to fend for ourselves. So without parents/uncle-aunty we would naturally starve if we didn’t unite, hence came the grand idea for a pizza party.

I digress. I apologize.

So yea, there we were, all the cousins eating and talking… or actually, they were doing most of the talking, I was just eating and being polite and listening to their conversations when suddenly out of nowhere, the topic turned on Malaysian drivers and how bad-ass-shit drivers we were.

…Hang on…


Lemme get this straight once and for all. There is nothing wrong with how we drive. Sure, we might get agro once in awhile behind the wheel, we might take more risks when it comes to being on the highway, we might curse and swear at you and your 7 generations before you and your 7 generations after you. But we are NOT bad drivers.

I dare say that we’re even better drivers than some of *ahem* the people here. We are better able at handling tricky situations; consider us more driving-wise (as equivalent to streetwise, doofus). We do not panic easily during tricky situations and are more in control. Why? Because we’re used to aggressive driving.

But once again. Let me say, aggressive driving is not bad. And neither is Malaysian driving.

The next person I hear dissing Malaysian drivers will get a knock, no, a punch on the head.

And no. I don’t appreciate being called a ‘Stupid Malaysian’ in front of everyone just because I gave you a fork to eat your ice-cream. So who cares about decorum in this day and age anyways??


At 10/20/05, 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gave someone a fork to eat ice-cream??? That's quite weird. :)
But I can't believe you actually got called a stupid malaysian for that. That sounds really xenophobic.

At 10/20/05, 8:46 PM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

what's wrong with eating ice cream with a fork?? as long as the ice-cream isn't melted and you can still shovel it into your mouth, i'm all happy.

At 10/21/05, 9:08 AM, Blogger ..melanie.. said...

you mean...drivers like ME.

come la..when we go back, Atos vs Kelisa again...

At 6/11/14, 2:20 PM, Anonymous SS2 said...

I think it all comes down to poor enforcement by police. We hear stories of cops looking for 'favors'. Until police force change there is no hope.


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