Saturday, June 25, 2011

It appears that life seems intent on making me MAKE decisions for the near-future, something I've always had quite a distaste for. I might as well just say it now and have it out in the open: This little Missy is most likely (and when I saw 'most likely' I mean, like 87% positive) going back to Antarctica for a third (and hopefully, final) consecutive summer season. Yup. Who'd have thunk it, eh?

Without meaning to, I've become some sort of hack-job pseudo-Antarctic veteran. Although, I have to admit that I like that term, Antarctic veteran. Who knew that the cold-hating Marine Biologist from Kajang with no career aspirations would end up quite this far?? And to think, someone once asked me if I wanted to be a fisherwoman with my marine science degree.

All fine and dandy, but all this just means that I will MOST LIKELY be missing another christmas, Chinese New Year etc etc you get the drift. The good news is, this time around, I'm getting paid for my capacity as Aquarium Bitch and all-round science-slave on station. Not too bad, I guess, in the scheme of things. However, I still wonder if I might've, perhaps, rushed in to such a decision? I'll most likely come to regret it when February 2012 rolls in and I'm missing all my CNY delicacies I've not tasted for 3 years now.

Anyhow, more good news; as I will MOST LIKELY be going back to the southern wastelands, I have decided to come home to Malaysia for an extended holiday before I start the third season. It also helps that the end-lease date at my current place will coincide with when I want to leave. So, all's good with the world again, I guess!

Anyhow, stay-tuned for more Meladventures. For the time being, I shall be saving up as much as I possibly can. And perhaps complete the scarf I have been knitting for some time now, the only stable and constant thing in my life at the moment.


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